Example sentences of "was [vb pp] [adv prt] by [art] [adv] " in BNC.

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1 This was sorted out by a ravishingly beautiful air hostess who distributed boiled sweets to all concerned and reprimanded a tovarich for smoking .
2 For this valley was scoured out by the most potent of the Pyrenean glaciers , which was fed from the big valleys to the south , of Gavarnie , Cauterets , Gédre and Baréges , and penetrated beyond the point where Lourdes now stands , shaping the topography as it went .
3 This was borne out by the very subjective observation that no used fertiliser bags were noted anywhere in the Auvergne uplands whereas such discarded litter is commonplace in the Welsh uplands ( unless French farmers are innately tidier ! ) .
4 War began with an unsuccessful attempt to return to the city-plundering strategy of the previous century , went on with a great commerce-raiding voyage round the world by Anson , and ( not before it had at last ended the trading career of the South Sea Company ) was swallowed up by the more far-flung clash of British and French .
5 The food was served up by the equally cheerful owner , a middle-aged lady who did not believe in overcharging her customers .
6 The challenge was taken up by no less than 23 teams during the AKA Convention that year at Columbus , Ohio , all of them fulfilling the specification of being colourful , distinctive and exciting .
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