Example sentences of "was [vb pp] [adv] [prep] the most " in BNC.

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1 " [ The transfer in 1860 ] between the Goldsmiths ' Company and the Corporation was carried through with the most perfect agreement and accord . "
2 Deaf and dumb people were bitterly disappointed , and the BDDA 's reaction is summed up in its annual report for the year 1932 : No aid from the State was considered even in the most pressing of all problems , the vocational training of school leavers .
3 The traditionally Muslim peoples of Central Asia accounted for a further 15 per cent ; and the balance was made up for the most part of the larger national groups in Transcaucasia and the Baltic .
4 When the power of the higher civil service declined after 1942 and the state administration became absorbed into the party structure , the running of the economy was handed over to the most powerful monopolists .
5 For this valley was scoured out by the most potent of the Pyrenean glaciers , which was fed from the big valleys to the south , of Gavarnie , Cauterets , Gédre and Baréges , and penetrated beyond the point where Lourdes now stands , shaping the topography as it went .
6 Conformity was required only in the most general of senses .
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