Example sentences of "was [vb pp] [adv] [prep] [art] [adv] " in BNC.

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1 But after the second programme Yorkshire Television installed block heaters throughout the house in lieu of a fee , so Low Birk Hatt was heated properly for the very first time .
2 Much of the speech was given over to the already familiar complaints about " destructive and separatist tendencies " and about " ferocious " attempts to discredit the central government , and to exhortations to political forces to unite behind perestroika .
3 ‘ It was painted throughout in a very unattractive shade of green , ’ she explains , ‘ and someone had plumbed in a WC there — what a bizarre thing to do . ’
4 As he passed again on the other side of the road on his way back forty minutes later he was caught up in the very worst time of day for traffic .
5 " [ The transfer in 1860 ] between the Goldsmiths ' Company and the Corporation was carried through with the most perfect agreement and accord . "
6 Business was carried on at a rather more sedate pace , lunches were longer and boozier and I was far , far happier .
7 To one of those , Taddeo Ugoleto , Matthias gave the care and control of the library : ‘ Ugoleto sought out Greek codexes for the library and copying was carried out on a far greater scale than ever before .
8 Deaf and dumb people were bitterly disappointed , and the BDDA 's reaction is summed up in its annual report for the year 1932 : No aid from the State was considered even in the most pressing of all problems , the vocational training of school leavers .
9 It was looked on as a very serious offence .
10 Well I did hear that point , it 's , it 's interesting because in fact Lithuania er President Boris Yeltsin signed an agreement in July , er which effectively Russia recognise Lithuania as an independent state , it was the second country in the world to do that , er all of this was sorted out in a very er , good , er peaceful , sensible way , there , obviously Russia has concerns in Lithuania er not least the district .
11 This was sorted out by a ravishingly beautiful air hostess who distributed boiled sweets to all concerned and reprimanded a tovarich for smoking .
12 The separate identity of such organisations was accepted both on the purely factual level ( a non-member can not deny the factual existence of the United Nations ) and on the legal level ( a non-member may owe duties to an organisation and be able to make claims against it ) .
13 As a matter of fact , a clinical benefit was seen even with an occasionally decreased amplitude in external sphincter contraction when improvement in squeeze duration was achieved ( Fig 1 ) .
14 The traditionally Muslim peoples of Central Asia accounted for a further 15 per cent ; and the balance was made up for the most part of the larger national groups in Transcaucasia and the Baltic .
15 The pull was made on to a slightly uphill gradient and into the wind , in spite of this a record breaking 100 metres was reached in 40.8 seconds at a speed of 4.5 mph .
16 The Gansleit was built recently in a very attractive Tyrolean style ; it is still owned and managed by the Krall family and has a welcoming atmosphere .
17 His career should have reached its climax in the great Franco-Scottish chateaux of Fonthill ( 1849 ) for the Duke of Westminster and Buchanan ( 1851–53 ) for the Duke of Montrose , but the first was built only in a much reduced and quite different form while Buchanan suffered from the late substitution of plate glass for the mullioned windows which were an indispensable element of his style .
18 This hypothesis prompted a series of experiments by Best ( 1975 ) in which a given flavour was established as a conditioned inhibitor ( or a signal for safety ) by an explicit discrimination training procedure in which this flavour was presented along with a previously established CS+ but in the absence of the US .
19 Thirty-three people were drowned , and the main street was transformed overnight into a dramatically boulder-strewn river bed .
20 It was reflected predictably in the relatively low priority now given by social services to special educational needs .
21 A schoolmasterly exposition of the law : Andrew Brown sat in on a High Court trial — and was transported back to the strangely mingled fears and absurdities of a prep-school
22 When the power of the higher civil service declined after 1942 and the state administration became absorbed into the party structure , the running of the economy was handed over to the most powerful monopolists .
23 He was handed over to the terribly liberal ( sorry , I think that should be liberally terrible ) dictator by Mr David Steel , hard-line leader of a British political grouping engaged in the notorious Lib-Lab pact , at a time when Ceausescu was still wildly popular .
24 The idea of introducing a degree of democratisation in the political sphere , put on the ‘ back burner ’ since 1980 , was advanced again in the slightly more relaxed and optimistic atmosphere of the new year .
25 For this valley was scoured out by the most potent of the Pyrenean glaciers , which was fed from the big valleys to the south , of Gavarnie , Cauterets , Gédre and Baréges , and penetrated beyond the point where Lourdes now stands , shaping the topography as it went .
26 His realm was bound together by an increasingly standardized legal code , gradually extended over newly incorporated areas , a rudimentary postal system , and uniform coinage , weights , and measures .
27 Although Spencer worked out an elaborate scheme of social evolution , in terms of the increasing scale and complexity of societies , his political sociology was based mainly upon a fairly simple distinction between ‘ militant ’ and ‘ industrial ’ societies , the former being characterized by the predominance of activities concerned with defence and offence ( that is , warfare ) , the latter by the predominance of activities concerned with ‘ sustentation ’ ( that is , production and trade ) .
28 This was borne out by the very subjective observation that no used fertiliser bags were noted anywhere in the Auvergne uplands whereas such discarded litter is commonplace in the Welsh uplands ( unless French farmers are innately tidier ! ) .
29 To deduce even the sequence of the pieces of wire was difficult enough , but sufficient wire was played back through a specially made read-out head to establish beyond doubt what had happened .
30 War began with an unsuccessful attempt to return to the city-plundering strategy of the previous century , went on with a great commerce-raiding voyage round the world by Anson , and ( not before it had at last ended the trading career of the South Sea Company ) was swallowed up by the more far-flung clash of British and French .
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