Example sentences of "was [vb pp] [prep] [adv] the [noun] " in BNC.

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1 Hours of wrangling over the protocol of such matters was squandered during both the preparation and the course of the pair 's ceaseless round of state visits to ever more obscure countries .
2 Because most of the oil was dispersed to below the surface , it would enter the marine food chain ; and because the oil was easily ingested , it could have damaging effects on birds and animals in the long term .
3 The ban was applauded by both the SMTA and the Royal Automobile Club in Scotland .
4 The need to support the police was accepted by both the Labour and the Conservative speakers in the parliamentary debate on the riots , and was established as a benchmark for the official response to the riots long before the Scarman Report was published in November 1981 .
5 Industry was seen as both the cause of German distress and Germany 's salvation .
6 In a reference to the ANC 's suspension of the armed struggle in August , Mandela said that this was done to further the peace process but that the movement had nevertheless not forfeited its right to self-defence .
7 ‘ There was necking ( acceptable ) , soul kissing ( exciting , dangerous ) and petting , which was subdivided into above the waist and below .
8 One control was selected from both the delivery register and birth register .
9 In spring 1991 a research project was used to further the debate in a broader context of views about the whole decision-making process within the school .
10 It was agreed by both the DES and HMI that , since university teacher training represented excellence , they had nothing to fear , and other institutions could learn from the reports .
11 Like the Union it was founded to forward the work and views of the Tractarians , who were then fighting an uphill battle against fierce opposition in the Church .
12 Both had been part of the UN Trust Territory of the Pacific , established in 1947 , until this was terminated for both the FSM and Marshall Islands in December 1990 [ see p. 37920 ] .
13 A firearm , found to be an air pistol modelled on a revolver , was recovered from inside the house .
14 He examined only two FT-SE index futures contracts , March 1985 and June 1985 , and a significant maturity effect was found for only the June 1985 contract .
15 when he was set upon outside The Steam Train pub in Cheney Manor road .
16 A police spokesman said Saints ' midfielder Terry Hurlock was set upon inside the club and former Arsenal forward Perry Groves helped restrain the attacker .
17 It is no coincidence that mass schooling was invented at roughly the time when nation states had come into existence and the need arose to instil in their citizens the idea that the new entity had first claim on their loyalties .
18 Each person referred , even if he or she remained at home , was allocated to either the community psychiatric nurse or the social worker ( as key worker ) ; their case was reviewed by the team every six weeks , and was never closed , except by death or removal from the area .
19 In the elections for President of the new Territorial Assembly on March 28 Vernaudon was supported by both the Flosse and the Léontieff coalitions and received 37 votes compared with the four cast for Temaru , the only other candidate .
20 The peace of society was thus assimilated to the sacrament ; it was enacted as both the condition and the effect of the reality of Christ 's presence .
21 This position was opposed by both the UK and the Netherlands .
22 Tidswell lifeguards with three slat gates were fitted and the lamp was removed from below the roof ; it was replaced by small side lamps in boxes like those on the bogie cars , but lower down on the dash .
23 Deaccessioned last year by the Chrysler Museum , this rare group was signed with both the factory and modeller 's monograms on the side .
24 The Third Class ‘ Parly ’ half of the Excursion Return was issued until almost the closing of the line .
25 Practically unique letter specification was obtained from only the downstrokes of the writing , and there is other evidence to suggest that most of the information in cursive writing is in the downward portions of the writing .
26 From a Neil Pink corner , the ball was cleared to outside the penalty area , where a strong shot from Minto flew over the defence into the net .
27 that I would also put it on in relation to your , to , to , to , to , to your Lordship and to considering the matter in interim , your Lordship has er , erm , er heard er the information that had been put forward er by the society , you have seen the er information about the position the commission has taken , your Lordship knows that the commission was informed about both the act and all the relevant byelaws in the present case , the precursored , the central fund byelaw was informally proved by the commission Mrs has sworn on affidavit that the society has never been given any indication that the matters in issue in the European Law Defence are contrary to competition rules and your Lordship also has the answer by the commission to the European parliament which is exhibited to Mrs affidavit and which I took your Lordship to earlier and of which judicial note can be taken by virtual section three , two of the European communities act , so my Lord we say that there is already a body of information which provides a basis if one has to consider what should be done in the interim of saying that in the interim the application of the act and the application for byelaws should be maintained , the third element my Lord is the intimate link between the recoveries of money for the central fund , er under the byelaw and the implementation of the United Kingdom 's operations under directive seventy three , two , three , nine , we 've been over this before my Lord erm , my Lord is , is aware of the intimate link er between the er recovery of monies to central fund , the maintenance solvency and the paying of policy holders .
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