Example sentences of "was [adv] [v-ing] [adv] [prep] [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 I could only suppose that the collapse of space-time in my own day was slowly spreading outwards from source , like a bloodstain oozing across an old sheet , threatening many deep-seated continuities .
2 So anyway that was one of the reasons , when I found that Brothers was slowly going out of business , when I saw last in , and I asked him if er I could have this thing ?
3 It was all getting out of hand .
4 And er , er , an an and as I say I had , like , this was only coming home from school like , you know .
5 When the spirit flags , the body follows , and Jack Stone was literally draining away with despair and fear .
6 Hoarding was frowned on , but tinned beans and peas , sugar , flour , anything that could be stored , was soon piling up on top of wardrobes and in garden sheds .
7 We might add that , though property from land or , more commonly , from urban real-estate , remained an important source of bourgeois income , especially among the middle and lower bourgeoisie in areas of lagging industrialisation , it was already diminishing somewhat in importance .
8 The Crown relied very much upon borrowing and was already sliding deep into debt .
9 He said : ‘ Because of the operation I am restricted in the physical activity I can do , so I was just messing about with music tapes after the operation when I got around to singing .
10 I was just wondering how on earth your supposed to get to the M one heading towards er Bramford I mean
11 In fact she was just checking up on room service , wondering if it was too late to order a plain omelette and salad in her room .
12 He says he was just starting out in life and they 're very bitter that he was killed by one person 's obsession for an obscene knife .
13 She was just coming out of Credit Agricole , having cashed some traveller 's cheques , when she saw Antoinette emerging from the pharmacie opposite .
14 María , the young woman who kept the bar , was just coming back from church , her head still covered by a black lace mantilla .
15 The English position in Aquitaine remained insecure , however , and the government in Bordeaux was rapidly running out of money .
16 A friend of mine , Debbie , was once driving late at night through an unfamiliar area of London .
17 What's-His-Name , English lecturer , second year , that course on the Nineteenth Century Novel … remember how he was always wittering on about Incest in Wuthering Heights ? ’
18 Even if Kirov was still listening out for radio contact , he was unlikely still to be in direct touch with the pilot .
19 The former was dry , but the latter was gradually catching up with kitchen .
20 Junior Health Minister Baroness Cumberledge told a London news conference yesterday the report pointed to a levelling off of Aids cases among homosexuals and HIV infection was also slowing down among drug users .
21 Bedsitter accommodation was eventually provided but in the course of the investigation by the social work department it was discovered that in addition to Jim 's persistent truancy , he was also staying away from home , sleeping rough for days at a time .
22 Flogging was only used as a judicial punishment in a handful of cases each year throughout the 1920s and 1930s , and the birching of young boys ' bottoms was also passing out of favour .
23 Some felt Mrs Thatcher was now denationalizing out of dogma , without making out a case on managerial or cost grounds .
24 The voice she was hearing was surely crying out for help .
25 Melissa was fast running out of sympathy with the redoubtable Dora .
26 There have been concerns for some time that IBM Corp was fast running out of cash — the UK subsidiary was reportedly ordered to factor its receivables by its parent at the end of last year after it ran out of cash for its operations , hardly a cheap way of borrowing for a blue chip company , and the Reuter report that it and IBM Credit Corp are seeking $4,600m of revolving credit in the international syndicated loan market ( see page seven ) , seems to confirm it ; at least one source told the news wire that IBM is trying to keep the arrangement very quiet , presumably to avoid generating more alarm than there already is about progress of its business .
27 And she was almost looking forward to death , because then she would be with William and our dear mother in a place of peace .
28 He was there dealing not with summary remedies available to the state to which a citizen had no opportunity to state a defence but rather to additional consequences which might adversely affect a citizen should he fail in his defence to the claim to the principal sum .
29 The landlord of the Golden Keys said a man who fitted Vechey 's description was there drinking late at night .
30 Wycombe were beaten by Bob Taylor 's 82nd-minute winner , and their disconsolate boss Martin O'Neill said : ‘ I was actually looking forward to extra-time because I was so sure we would win .
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