Example sentences of "was [adv] [adv] [vb pp] [prep] [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 The speech , billed as the most important address ever made by a Hong Kong governor , was mostly well received by community leaders , with criticisms focusing on its skimpy attention to important political issues .
2 This view was most strongly expressed in respect of music and drama .
3 Before they met , Marshall announced the absurd news that enquiries in the rag trade had revealed that Trilyn , notorious for its inability to stand up to heavy wear , was most frequently used for trouser pockets .
4 Some countships were more equal than others : a " greater " count was presumably so called in part because his civitas was richer and more important , for instance , as a central place in one of the regna ( like Angers in Neustria , or Autun in Burgundy ) .
5 Petrol was so strictly rationed in wartime that bikes were always in demand .
6 Ally Donaldson , to his credit , gave the impression of being grimly determined to answer those who say he does n't tackle but he was not the naturally punitive defender who was so badly needed in view of the back row 's shortcomings .
7 He found that he could pay a compliment to Charles Raven , from whom he was so sadly sundered in spirit , for his book on Religion and Science .
8 It was so well hidden by forest , however , that they were almost upon it before she really had the chance to look .
9 By turning the show into a theatrical display , Laura felt comfortable ; it was so far removed from reality that it could be viewed as a staged drama with no intention of portraying a ‘ Laura Ashley ’ customer in real life .
10 The headmaster seemed sincere enough , but his manner was so perfectly poised between gravity and teasing that Robert 's discomfort increased .
11 But to the men of Kufra whose fathers or grandfathers had settled there because it was so centrally placed on trade routes , or because it was so remote from Ottoman , Italian or British control , ‘ central government ’ appeared indeed as a real force , but as one located — so to speak — in the extreme northwestern corner , in Tripoli .
12 Sandy was so much taken by surprise that her sickness was forgotten .
13 Talk of the sensual , the erotic , was so often seen in relation to the female body .
14 Big Allen , the highest peak of the foinland , which was so often veiled in mist or appeared as a blurred blue shape , this morning showed every crevice and crag on its slopes , every wind-bent bilberry , every clump of ling .
15 A main reason why lapis lazuli was so highly regarded in antiquity was the brilliance of its colour , blue flecked with gold .
16 Encouragement of such careful discrimination was perhaps also reflected in agent Clarkson 's other main function in the late 1780s — the establishment of local committees through consultation with influential individuals in communities .
17 As expected , increased dietary calcium increased the total calcium in faeces and this was only slightly stimulated by phosphate supplementation of the high calcium diet ( Fig 3 ) .
18 Our most important finding , however , was that age was only weakly associated with mortality , even after adjustment for the severity of comorbid conditions .
19 Jackie had a nasty puncture in practice on the 150-m.p.h. straight and though he was not injured , his Matra was only just repaired in time for the race .
20 It was only just finished in time : according to Constanze , the overture ( the last section to be composed ) was completed just two days before the premiere .
21 Veteran Australian Cheyne Horan took third place , while Tahiti 's Vetea ‘ Poto ’ David , a popular favourite with the crowd , who stylishly hot-dogged the biggest waves on the shortest board , was only narrowly pushed into second .
22 And it was sectional organisations such as these which best survived the vicissitudes of the next twenty years , though Wilson 's own creation was bankrupt by 1894 and was only subsequently revived with difficulty .
23 By then , not merely was much more known about light , heat , electricity and magnetism , but the knowledge was unified with a powerful theoretical structure , so that while chemistry had seemed the fundamental science to many at the beginning of the century , by the end of it there was little doubt that this position belonged to physics .
24 The area was thus unusually weighted towards agriculture , but it was only an exaggeration of the normal situation in all provincial regions .
25 ‘ Oh , I 'm sure we could let you out for that , McAllister , ’ Dr Neil had said , only for Sally-Anne to murmur modestly that since she was already well treated for time off she could not possibly ask for more .
26 In an attempt to preserve their authority , the Chiefs amended the Constitution — which was already heavily biased in favour of the rural rather than the urban population — so that only five of the 37 Melanesian lower chamber seats were allocated to the urban areas , where approximately one-third of the Melanesian population lived .
27 By the time it was obvious that the band were splitting up , I was already totally hypnotised by rap and dance music . ’
28 She was already far advanced in pregnancy , and soon fell gravely ill .
29 He complained that it reduced his ability to walk around which was already somewhat restricted by arthritis .
30 The rival method of using metal rollers for milling corn had been tried as early as the sixteenth century but was generally only adopted for malt-milling until , in 1834 , a Swiss engineer substituted rollers for the original stones in the reconstruction of an existing mill .
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