Example sentences of "was [adv] [prep] [art] [adj] time " in BNC.

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1 ‘ That was the only time we kept something from her and even then it was only for a short time , ’ says Mike .
2 But … but , as Mama said , as long as we kept it clean and it was only for a short time
3 I had n't had any kind of pain relief — well , there was n't time ! — but the pain , although very intense , was only for a short time , so it was easy for me to bear .
4 While Rosa Guy makes some parts of her book easy to understand , it was only after the second time I read the book that I was able to give unanswerable questions an answer .
5 For example , when Perk disappeared she was wearing a yellow dress and it was only after the second time that I realised the significance of Gail ( Perk 's older sister ) finding a yellow ribbon in Mr Elder 's ( the lodger ) drawer .
6 Not going to school , and having to pretend I did n't live on the island all the time , has meant that I did n't grow up with anybody of my own age ( except Eric , of course , but even he was away for a long time ) , and about the time I was thinking of venturing further afield and getting to know more people Eric went crazy , and things got a bit uncomfortable in the town for a while .
7 It was exactly like the first time .
8 The vow was usually for a limited time , but Samson ( a somewhat unorthodox Nazirite ) had a lifelong vow ( Judges 13–16 ) .
9 Ian Craig , the head of science and technology , said : ‘ It is educationally valuable to take boys to France or to the science museum , but the unique thing about this was that it was both at the same time , and that was more than twice as valuable . ’
10 According to the US consul in Saigon , three and a half of these four statements were completely false but , in fact , not only may Under-Secretary of State Dean Acheson have offered the ‘ good offices ’ of the US ( as they were to be offered in Indonesia ) but there was also at the same time in effect a plea from Moffat , then in Singapore , that for various reasons the US should intervene .
11 He was also for the first time vaguely troubled about the DIA 's priorities in the Middle East , particularly with respect to the Western hostages in Beirut .
12 It was precisely at the same time as these processes , policies and institutions were being consolidated that the embryonic imperial regime found territorial expression for its increasing power in the colonial administration and economic exploitation of Siberia .
13 ‘ I was there for a long time , but I ca n't remember anyone visiting me .
14 Linford was there for the first time .
15 Jack seemed to realise she was there for the first time .
16 This year , FOX F M was there for the first time and Phil Angel managed to catch Dr John Howard to explain what it all meant .
17 We work with about 60 women a year , and I know many of them would genuinely say that at the start they were unemployable , that they could have gone back to drugs , ended up back in prison , but they did n't because Clean Break was there at the right time for them , to give them the opportunities they needed .
18 Elaborate preparations had been made for a meeting between the two kings at Gloucester : King Malcolm was there at the appointed time , but Rufus refused to see him , and the two parted , in the Chronicler 's words ‘ in great enmity ’ .
19 ‘ And they were there and nobody was there at the same time ! ’ says Derry .
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