Example sentences of "was [adv] [adj] [to-vb] [prep] the " in BNC.

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1 It was incredibly eerie to stand outside the office in the pitch dark , to press a switch and immediately have the whole air field illuminated by the ghostly glow of this small searchlight , making its little patch of light on the cloud above .
2 There was remarkably little to do in the hospital if you did n't want to read Agatha Christie or knit half-mile scarves .
3 Later , when the interview appeared , overprinted on Miranda 's scrawly , twiddly and multicoloured impressions of the shoot , it was translated and edited to read ( though it was rather hard to decrypt from the graphics ) :
4 Dwyer told The Scotsman that David Campese was most anxious to adjourn from the Italian leagues in order to play at Murrayfield , but it is uncertain whether he will be joined by Michael Lynagh , Tim Gavin and Willie Ofahengaue .
5 Bakunin was perhaps not entirely wrong in supposing that in such a time the spirit of at least potential insurrection was most likely to smoulder among the marginal and sub-proletariat , though he was quite mistaken in believing that they would be the base of revolutionary movements .
6 It was wholly inappropriate to deal with the matter as the judge did .
7 I should think it was about ten , fifteen years later , and it was so easy to get into the country .
8 It was such a lovely day , and there was so much to do on the complex , but Shelley could n't summon the enthusiasm to leave the villa .
9 There was so much to do with the six pools , giant flumes , waterfalls , fountains and lots more .
10 The days were getting shorter and colder , and with Christmas approaching there was so much to do in the kitchen Sarah rarely had a spare minute .
11 Colin , a born darts player , was so keen to play for the ‘ Whads ’ that he paid his own signing-on fee ( £56 ) , and has also agreed to wash the team strip every week .
12 ‘ I was so keen to work for the Labour Party , ’ he says .
13 Trespass was obviously unsuitable to deal with the case where the owner had voluntarily put his goods into another 's possession and the other refused to re-deliver them , but this situation was covered by the remedy of detinue .
14 He seems to have pleased certain customers ; he was once , as he told me , presented over the grille with some game , which , before accepting , he was naturally obliged to take to the manager 's office .
15 He too was only able to relax in the heart of the country , seeking its isolation instinctively , just as Vincent did , and like him unable to breathe freely inside any mainstream .
16 Unfortunately , I was only able to get to the Newbury Rally for one day this year .
17 But if that were the explanation , it would imply that the movement was only willing to act in the general interest when the Labour Party formed an assured Government , and having decided that its defeat was impending , abandoned any sense of responsibility save for the unions ' immediate , sectional interests .
18 Vietnam , however , maintained that internal issues should be discussed with the SOC government in Phnom Penh ; it was only willing to talk about the international aspects of the problem , and urged the USA to expand the talks to include the SOC government .
19 As Westernizing tribes like the Kikuyu became more and more politically active , it was only natural to look to the Masai , who showed no interest in either taxation or representation , as a potential ‘ counterpoise to the agitator class ’ .
20 Her shoes began to pinch her toes , like a warning to run away , and she was suddenly desperate to go to the lavatory .
21 He could have come back on that one , if he 'd really tried , but sometimes it was much easier to lie on the floor and watch the lights on the ceiling and listen to the count going on .
22 It was thus able to draw on the large reservoir of latent discontent among Liberals and the intellectuals which had been only slightly touched by the problem of unemployment and which was completely cut off from the syndicalist traditions of working class militancy in the previous decade .
23 A ‘ token ’ cut in interest rates of half a point to 10 p.c. was nevertheless likely to happen before the end of the month .
24 So it looks as though at the very beginning of the 1830s , trade unionism was already disposed to settle into the primary role which it was fully and consciously to adopt later in the century , a role which would be ameliorative rather than revolutionary .
25 In Scotland 's 1–0 defeat by Brazil he was noticeably slow to respond in the run up that led to Brazil 's winning goal and was unfairly attacked by the press .
26 But he was always prepared to turn off the tape and listen to her ranting on about how she missed Ricky and how bloody the Argentines were being to her and to their horses .
27 The government started an assistance programme in the early 1920s , but it was totally inadequate to deal with the fundamental problems facing the buraku , which were particularly hard hit by the interwar slump .
28 Although he was initially delighted to be a father , Keith was totally unable to cope with the responsibility and came and went in their relationship as he pleased , giving little help or support .
29 In the absence of coelacanths , it was still possible to toy with the idea that species and genera had their life-spans as individuals do , even though some ‘ living fossils ’ among plants should have made this more difficult than it was .
30 Subsequently , although a civilian , the German conscript was still obliged to serve in the Regular Reserve for four or five years , according to his arm .
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