Example sentences of "was [adv] [verb] [to-vb] [prep] [art] " in BNC.

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1 The district nursing service was inadequately staffed to cope with the needs of incontinent clients .
2 The FAO bull was greeted with extensive speeches by the president , entertained on the diplomatic circuit , and amid much pomp and ceremony was eventually sent to work in the fields .
3 Cardmaking was a declining trade , savage winters and poor harvests had sent prices soaring , and England was eventually trying to cope with the ravages of a war-time economy .
4 Despite sporadic contacts with China and Holland , when Japan was eventually forced to deal with the international environment she was almost totally ignorant of the intellectual , economic , scientific , technological and cultural advances made by the West during her seclusion period .
5 The fact that he was eventually forced to comply with the wishes of his senior LDP colleagues was interpreted as further evidence of his lack of authority within the ruling party .
6 Mr Patten , who was making his maiden speech as Education Secretary , was eventually brought to order by the new Speaker Betty Boothroyd .
7 Even here , unless the purchaser was expressly authorised to contract for the principal , such a contract can only be ratified if the purchaser , at the time of making the contract , professed to contract on the principal 's behalf .
8 He first appears acting under Richard 's orders in February 1184 when he led a force which sacked Excideuil — a stroke directed against Aimar of Limoges , who was presumably hoping to profit from the quarrel between Henry I ] and his son .
9 As New South Wales was the only state without an ALP government , the Liberal-National coalition was widely expected to benefit from the current unpopularity of the Hawke government , an expectation apparently supported by opinion polls published during the campaign which gave the coalition a lead of up to 16 percentage points over Labor .
10 By March 1944 Hickson , as Secretary to the Cambridge Board which was then reviewing its future organisation for the post-war period , was sufficiently assured to write of the Rural Areas Committee :
11 His concern was to ensure that Indirect Rule was sufficiently modernized to function as an instrument of government in an era of rapid social and economic change .
12 He was all set to go in the summer , and he ran away .
13 The development of the Group was obviously going to depend upon the capacity of management to monitor current , not historical , trends .
14 He was only pretending to go into the woods ?
15 As a result , Balder was only allowed to return for a certain period of time , only to disappear and return again .
16 Anyway , she was only going to look at a cottage .
17 Paige strove for rationality in a world that was suddenly threatening to dissolve at the seduction of touch and tone .
18 A series of hijackings and bomb hoaxes in the west of the city was apparently designed to act as a diversion as a mass escape was made .
19 Increasingly candidates thought able enough were entered for O and even A levels ( and rightly , because there was at first no other examination for them to take ) and when the CSE examination was introduced for those thought not to be up to O level , the top grade of CSE was soon deemed to count as an O level , and thus itself to aspire to the academic .
20 When Peter Hickton was finally persuaded to stop for the day , at about seven , Charles Paris walked with the author to the pub round the corner .
21 His exhausted mother was finally persuaded to rest in a hotel .
22 The boy was finally allowed to run across the courtroom and threw his arms around his barrister , Mr George Kyatt , QC , and said : ‘ I 'm glad .
23 Further afield , the Indian National Congress was already beginning to grope towards a national identity , as was the Sarekat Islam in the great Dutch empire of the East Indies .
24 He was a tall , handsome man in his late thirties with short black hair , which was already beginning to grey at the temples , and a neatly trimmed black moustache .
25 The son of a Jat farmer outside Delhi , by the age of thirteen she was already refusing to work in the fields , saying that she felt more like a woman than a man .
26 This quasar was already known to lie within a galaxy , and improved observations have shown that the ‘ host ’ galaxy itself is interacting with a small companion galaxy .
27 He could not lecture for the Archbishop of Canterbury because he was already committed to lecture for the Archbishop of York .
28 A dusting of moisture was already starting to form on the blades of grass as the temperature plummeted .
29 What we were just saying Cath was , we was just trying to look at the , the tape that 's just come from Marcus , the erm the film and
30 It asks why the sun bothered to start the cycle of life at all if life was just going to end at the middle like the soldiers life .
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