Example sentences of "was [adv] [verb] [prep] the [noun pl] " in BNC.

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1 The surveyor was duly appointed by the parties under the lease .
2 The local authority 's mortgage was duly registered in the charges register .
3 And she was duly guided round the shops and revamped .
4 Tom Jones and Duff argued for resignation , and Lady Astor helped to sway Dawson to the same line , which was duly reflected in The Times leader of Monday morning .
5 As he spoke , he looked at Ludovico , who was furiously plucking at the strings of his racket and gazing at the ground .
6 Gould was verbally abused at The Hawthorns before his departure and at one protest supporters paraded with a coffin on their shoulders .
7 Being entirely devoid of miners , striking or otherwise , Northern Ireland treated the election as a referendum on the power-sharing system and was overwhelmingly convinced by the loyalists .
8 was slowly inducted into the ways of the scientist — a particular type of scientist also — the ‘ pure ’ ’ researcher ’ .
9 Half nude , she held onto a big , round glass ball which was slowly lowered from the flies and poised above the stalls .
10 Yet Jaq feared that for all its power the Imperium was slowly succumbing to the attentions of aliens , of renegades , of daemons .
11 I could tell that my questioning was slowly turning off the taps of their charm .
12 Western attention was mostly directed towards the Kurds , who rose up against him at the same time , but the greater threat to Saddam and the heavier loss of life was Shiite , Not Kurdish .
13 The garrison consisted of 200 regulars , plus some Argyllshire militia , and was vastly outnumbered by the Jacobites , but the defenders enjoyed naval support , for several vessels lay alongside the fort and assisted its guns in some effective counter-battery fire .
14 The arrangement , however , was successfully pressed by the friends of the Duke of Montrose , in order , hopefully , to heal the threat of division in the county , lest feelings of dislike be aroused to the point of threatening the stability of the Montrose interest in parliamentary politics .
15 It was successfully tested over the deserts of New Mexico on 16 July 1945 , before the war with Japan was over .
16 It is curious , or perhaps not so curious , that a number of fundamental common law concepts in everyday use are still statutorily undefined , for example , murder , manslaughter , contract , defamation , negligence ( though the concept of duty of care was successfully defined in the Occupiers Liability Act 1957 ) .
17 Logic points to the emergence of a party that draws on both the Marxist traditions of the Prague Spring and on the social-democratic movement that was forcibly amalgamated with the Communists after 1948 .
18 Self 's victory was bitterly resented by the engineers and , on his return , Pask tried ( unsuccessfully ) to overturn it .
19 ‘ The workers ' attempt to defend their interests by forming trades unions was bitterly resisted by the employers .
20 That order was eventually discovered in the teachings of Christianity .
21 Although access was eventually gained to the sites by obtaining court injunctions , the battle for hearts and minds was already lost .
22 They also knew they were not connected with the humanitarian assistance programme ( NHAO ) that was eventually run for the contras by the State Department , since those aircraft were ‘ beautiful brand-new L-100s , the most beautifully painted things ’ .
23 In the event , the CEP evidence was eventually given by the individuals responsible under the banner of the then Cornwall-based campaigner George Pritchard , although it would undoubtedly have helped its status to be seen as part of the local councils ' case .
24 Some compensation was eventually paid to the villagers by the Board of Trade , after much prevarication and talk of ‘ natural causes ’ ; the fact was the Board had permitted the dredging operation without foreseeing the consequences .
25 But the game failed to excite the Russian elite and was eventually banned by the Tsars as a rowdy pastime .
26 The learned and scientific academies took in general a different course , since education in their disciplines was predominantly centred in the universities .
27 In Bede 's opinion , Aldfrith was most learned in the Scriptures ( HE IV , 26 ) .
28 He was most understanding about the needs of our party .
29 My plea was wholly contained in the events barely a day old and swiftly took the Bench and the entire Court through the squirt of 174 cannon shells , the wounded , the flight engineer 's heroic effort in repairing the devastated controls twice , his treatment of the wounded and his immediate award of a DFM , which he had been celebrating .
30 Reports said that the Dec. 6 attack on the mosque was effectively abetted by the guards , some 200 paramilitary troops of the state-controlled Provincial Armed Constabulary ( PAC ) which was known for its pro-Hindu leanings ; they had allegedly stood aside and allowed militants to demolish the mosque 's structure .
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