Example sentences of "was [prep] [be] [vb pp] in [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 Reaffirmed their decision of 3rd November that the decision on this issue should be left to a free vote , preferably on the Report stage of the Bill in the House of Commons ; and agreed that Ministers who dissented from the advice which was to be tendered in accordance with Conclusion above should be free , if they so desired , to vote for the abolition of the death penalty , though they should refrain from expressing in debate views contrary to that advice ; …
2 In view of the strength of the case against Copernicus , it might well be asked just what there was to be said in favour of the Copernican theory in 1543 .
3 It was clear that if the gravitational theory was to be applied in practice to planetary motion , the programme would need to develop from this idealized model to more realistic ones .
4 One former teacher , Virginia Doyle who was to be discovered in retirement in Sherwood Forest , Toronto , remembered him as a clowning , cunning boy who was good enough to get high marks without apparently doing a lick of work .
5 It was to be made in whole and smashed bricks , the whole bricks to represent the walls of the world — the Berlin Wall , the Walls of Jericho , the Western ( Wailing ) Wall , the Great Wall of China and Hadrian 's Wall — and the smashed bricks to represent the breakdown of Jewish life and status as they knew it .
6 The wing was to be named in memory of his son , Grégoire .
7 was the defendants solicitors , the parties during nineteen ninety one , the two solicitors , had dealt with the question of costs and er perfectly normal way , the plaintiffs have their costs , drafted by er cost draughtsman , I understand that in-house draughtsman and erm they produced to Mr a bill for costs , er Mr looked at the bill and met counter proposals and he suggested other figures , erm , figures in the region of forty two thousand pounds , forty seven and fifty thousand pounds for the plaintiffs costs , the correspondence indicates that Mr then , now put forward what with respect seems to be entirely sensible suggestion that er really it would not be sensible to proceed with having the cost taxed , he said he did n't foresee any real difficulty in getting them to agree the costs and that er the common sense thing in the interest of all parties was to see if they could reach an overall , settlement er determining all the matters in dispute , effectively this would be what was to be done in respect of the surgery premises , there was I think , there is reference in accounted to another sec another premises as well which apparently were lease , er but are now formed part of the negotiations and er negotiations continued between the parties during nineteen ninety two , by the end of nineteen ninety two the negotiations were beginning to run into difficulties , the plaintiffs were beginning to put forward non negotiable final offers and er the result unfortunately was that in apparently nineteen ninety three the er negotiations into that broke down .
8 This initial gathering of information was to be done in silence .
9 General Baratieri , hearing he was to be superseded in command of the Italian forces , advanced by night with three columns through the rocky hills and gorges near Adua to give battle to Menelik 's army , which numbered a hundred thousand men .
10 The property here was to be held in trust for his wife and her first son , Maximilian until he was 24 .
11 His hearse and coach hire depended on whether the funeral was to be held in town , ‘ on the stones ’ , or in the country .
12 Other evidence of the amorphous state of the electorate in 1980 was to be found in poll data revealing rapidly shifting tides of support for various candidates .
13 When asked for the authority upon which the second of these propositions was based , he replied that it was to be found in section 8 of the Family Law Reform Act 1969 , and in the principles stated by the majority of the House of Lords in Gillick v. West Norfolk and Wisbech Area Health Authority [ 1986 ] A.C. 112 .
14 The only reference to sustainable development was to be found in paragraph two hundred and thirteen .
15 For the applicant , Mr. Newman did not dispute that the applicable test was to be found in Reg. v. Galbraith [ 1981 ] 1 W.L.R. 1039 .
16 No thought of the future , whether it was to be spent in jail or exile or even in restored fortune — no thought of it was to mar those living moments as they were given to her .
17 He was also a very reluctant martyr : only when the learnt that he was to be burned in spite of his abject recantations did he withdraw them .
18 Before 1979 , 90 per cent of RX business had been in copier rental : capital realized by the sale of these machines was to be reinvested in training .
19 If it was to be provided in addition to principal repayments in the revenue account , then local authorities ' capital would increase .
20 To this end it announced that the electoral commission was to be reconstituted in order to free it from political influence and manipulation .
21 Two days after changing tack , Alexander set up a Commission on the Reorganization of Provincial and District Institutions to work out how the new principle was to be embodied in legislation .
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