Example sentences of "was [adj] make [art] [adj] [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 The Most Rev. George Carey , the Archbishop of Canterbury and senior cleric of the Church of England , on May 18 — in the week before he was due make an official visit to the Pope — criticized the Roman Catholic church 's policy on " artificial " methods of contraception , as contained in the Humanae Vitae encyclical of 1968 [ see pp. 24239-41 ] .
2 He commented : ‘ I felt the time was right to make a personal move forward as I wanted to have direct control over my own destiny and re-invest into the Province . ’
3 Gradually her muscles filled with the aches of motionlessness but she was loth to make the slightest sound which might break his concentration .
4 There was really only one ground on which the reformers could agree , in fiction as in fact : that cleanliness , above all , was the answer , and that the working class could achieve it in conditions where it was possible to make a genuine home .
5 In early 1978 the Firefly was prepared to make the long road journey to its new home in Cambridgeshire .
6 Indeed he treated his children 's holidays and an uninterrupted period of married life as a stern duty for which he was prepared to make the supreme sacrifice .
7 whilst the insurer was prepared to make an interim payment if providing indemnity they argued that the pursuer was not entitled to an award because he did not have the means to enable him to pay .
8 They also shared the quality of humility , seemingly unaware of their real stature , yet neither was afraid to make a penetrating comment if the situation demanded it .
9 The care or supervision of children , though not strictly speaking housework , is included because in practice it was impossible to make an adequate distinction between the two activities of housework and child-care .
10 Yet it was hard to make a good living here as the Peruvians did not seem to like their own music .
11 I also said that was when I was likely to make a major mistake .
12 Or , more probably , since he is a serving naval officer , that the paternal grandmother , the Queen , was likely to make a better job than their mother of bringing them up .
13 She just sat on the stairs eating biscuit after biscuit until , just before midnight , the telephone rang and she heard the voice of the surgeon telling her that the operation was over , that it had been a complete success and that Paul was likely to make a rapid recovery It was after that call that Annette realised that she had steadily munched her way through two and a half packets of biscuits .
14 The police officer had him handcuffed to him and so was unable to make a contemporaneous note of the conversation until he reached the police station ( though he did not record the reason for not making the note at the time , nor the time when the note was made ) .
15 A second request brought a blank refusal , but fortunately for him it was a bright moonlit night , and he was able to make a perfect landing on a grass slope near Rabat .
16 If the tenant could not exploit the land directly himself , with his own resources and those of his family , he would have to hire labour , but it seems likely that the small farmer was able to make a better profit than the great man , because his lands were not encumbered by a costly and unproductive bureaucracy .
17 Perhaps the Norwich striker had not adjusted to the importance of the occasion , but Norman was able to make a crucial save .
18 His successor , John Carthew , was able to make a bigger impact within the District .
19 During the 1980s , the Conservative government was able to make a great deal of political capital from the activities of high spending Labour councils , many of which were branded ‘ Loony Left ’ councils .
20 It is a clear indication of Hammond 's formidable nature that , faced with the reforming zeal of Sir Charles Trevelyan ( 1807–86 ) , the Assistant Secretary to the Treasury , the de facto head of the Civil Service , and a joint author of the influential Northcote-Trevelyan Report of 1854 , he was able to make a special case for the Foreign Office .
21 When he was able to make a full number of appearances , or a large proportion of them , Palace did reasonably well — best was 7th in 1949–50 when Graham missed only four games — but when his back injury prevented him from appearing regularly the side suffered badly and we finished bottom of the League twice in three seasons with Graham making only 26 ( 1948–49 ) and 11 ( 1950–51 ) appearances respectively .
22 Thus Realism was able to make a quick conquest by importing a neat and powerful idea of science and showing how an economics-style analysis of nation states as pursuers of national interest scored high as science .
23 It was in fact off Belle Île just south of the entrance to the Bay , which then curves east towards Vannes , where the invasion force from the Morbihan was waiting to embark , that soon after dawn on the morning of Tuesday 20 November 1759 Hawke was able to make the classic signal ‘ French fleet in sight ’ .
24 From these he was able to make the crucial observation that the disease tended to be confined to the practice of a small minority of midwives .
25 Greek negative theology was able to make the original revelation particularly their own and offered a constant corrective to their hellenistic love of rationalism and intellectual debate .
26 The fact that this was credible only if the youth was retarded made the moral crux which followed rather pointless .
27 He was anxious to make the right choice with his first American movie , and Lemmon was his favourite actor .
28 Up until very recently , a trader was obliged to make a two way market in any CD from one month to one year to maturity , in which he held an inventory ( traders not being allowed to go short ) .
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