Example sentences of "was [adj] [to-vb] [pron] [prep] [det] " in BNC.

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1 The DEA was free to use it for any covert operation it wished , but if anything went wrong , Hurley could always say , ‘ Oh , you mean that Cypriot boat . ’
2 Dr Neil — she could not think of him as Neil — was careful to hold her in such a way that she felt no restraint , although his own self-control was slowly beginning to slip .
3 Rose , with the same tact as she had brought them to the house , was careful to absent herself from these occasions as much as possible .
4 His face filled with sly mockery , he allowed his eyes to slide insultingly over her , and a sneer pulled at his mouth as he said softly , ‘ Maybe I was wrong to ditch you after all .
5 Cassie was content to leave it at that .
6 Her head was spinning , filled with so many thoughts that it was impossible to sort one from another .
7 Sean 's dad did not even leave his seat because he was unprepared to do anything about this problem , but he knew that he should do something about it .
8 Maybe she had been locked in her self-imposed prison for so long that now she was unable to control herself at all .
9 I was able to accommodate him at each time , you follow what I mean .
10 It was during this time that James was able to reacquaint himself with another old school chum , Malcolm Nurse .
11 She was n't used to expressing such volatility in front of anyone , and it confounded her how a total stranger , and a man she disliked into the bargain , was able to stir her to such an extent .
12 No one was able to give us at that time the valuable advice which I only picked up years later , namely that the great danger in cholera was dehydration , necessitating that the sufferer be given frequent drinks of cold water previously boiled .
13 Whatever personal designs Robert the Bruce might have on the throne , he was unlikely to achieve them without some mutual agreement .
14 As it was your generous gift of the physic Garden to the Worshipful Company of Apothecaries that encouraged the supporting of that Garden for the improvement of Botany and so consequently was the Occasion of my being employed in a service so agreeable to my natural inclinations , so the favourable opinion you have had of my abilities , when you was pleased to recommend me to that worshipful Company , with the several instances I have since had of your generous inclinations to encourage the Art and me , will ever lay me under the greatest obligations to endeavour to answer that character you was please to give of me and herein humbly hoping to approve myself what I most desire to be thought of …
15 The quantity of wealth and the range of differences were so great and so new that it was difficult to assimilate it to any picture of how Zuwaya had done things in the past .
16 Some years before , he had founded in his home town of Stratford-upon-Avon a chapel in honour of St Thomas Becket and he was inclined to see himself in that tradition of defiance of the crown .
17 Once this was conceded , the next step would be to move to their becoming semi-independent public bodies ( much the same might happen to hospitals and other public services ) , with the ‘ freedom to manage ’ without regard to political pressure from local electors or ‘ vested interests ’ ( trade unions and professionals ) and the freedom to cut labour costs ( the main item in service budgets ) by paying people only what it was necessary to pay them in that local market .
18 I was ready to fight him after this , but he danced about so much that I could n't get close to him .
19 ‘ The gaffer was ready to hammer us for that but after this result I asked , where are we going next Thursday — a nightclub ?
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