Example sentences of "was [adj] [prep] the [noun sg] [prep] " in BNC.

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1 The latter , contrary to the expressed view of the Chief Whip , was aghast at the prospect of resignation .
2 The Glasgow tribunal was alert to the problem of company rules attempting to oust the yardstick of reasonableness in Unkles v Milanda Bread Co , 1973 IRLR 76 .
3 His choice of Indonesia , as opposed to the United Kingdom or the USA , as his first foreign destination was controversial in the light of widespread concern over Indonesia 's human rights record .
4 Measuring applause does not reveal that the movie was memorable for the woman in the third row because the building on screen reminded her of where she went to school and all those childhood memories came flooding back intercut with the film while the auditorium gently shook as an underground train passed beneath and cigarette ash fluttered down from the balcony in the projector beam .
5 The Report was due at the end of July , and as the summer advanced the mounting drain on the insolvent unemployment insurance fund made the issue still more critical .
6 This was due to the advent of ‘ Bee ’ wine .
7 Dexter wondered if his vagueness was due to the shock of his wife 's murder or an attempt to gain time .
8 Thus , it can be argued that the impact of the young Elvis Presley was due to the way in which , taking a range of pre-existing musical , lyric and performance elements , he rearticulated them into a new pattern set by the intersection and intermediation of certain images of class ( proletarian ) , ethnicity ( black/poor white ) , age ( ‘ youth ’ ) , gender ( male ) and nationality ( American South ) .
9 This he claimed was due to the way in which the modular certificates are gained .
10 It was due to the wickedness of humanity .
11 That France emerged from the war with some pride restored was due to the existence of the Resistance , who insisted on maintaining the struggle against Germany .
12 In part this was due to the haste in which the system was introduced .
13 It is possible that the motive was astrological and that the invention of horoscopic astrology at about this time was due to the influence of Iranian doctrines of the immortality and celestial origin of the soul .
14 This , in my opinion , was fairly general in Burma and the smaller level of bribery was due to the influence of Buddhism .
15 To some extent this was due to the influence of the er of of .
16 But this shift of emphasis was not due to any direct influence from the Formalists whom , as I have said , the New Critics did not know ; it was due to the influence of a figure much closer to home , the poet T.S .
17 During the years 303–305 Diocletian , convinced that the threat to the Empire was due to the presence of the Christians among the loyal followers , ordered outrageous purges : even his wife and daughter were killed .
18 Thomson , Swiney pointed out that ‘ femaleness ’ was due to the presence of a chromosome absent in the male .
19 When I mentioned them to my dealer he said it was due to the stress of being shipped and that the fish was actually recovering .
20 This was due to the lack of glycerine anti-freeze in the water , and Thomas was instructed to censure the man concerned and to put up printed instructions about cold weather precautions .
21 I do not believe that the consumer resistance noted by Mr Clayton was due to the lack of good book bargains .
22 Part of the failure of videodiscs , particularly in consumer markets , was due to the lack of standardisation among discs and players .
23 We can measure population fairly precisely ; we can tell whether its rise was due to the birth of more children or to men and women living longer , that is , to a rise in the birth-rate or a fall in the death-rate .
24 The House of Lords held that the defendant company was not guilty ; the commission of the offence was due to the default of ‘ another person ’ ( the store manager ) and the defendant company had , by instituting an effective system , taken all reasonable precautions , etc. , in the circumstances .
25 This was due to the coincidence of the growth of ‘ regional policy factories ’ in , for instance , the Northern Region and Wales with a heavy run-down in London factories ( sometimes due to property development ) .
26 In part this was due to the weakness of the unions and the strength of the Federation .
27 That such a stage could be reached was due to the work of three men .
28 According to Miller Freeman 's vice-president Don Pazour , the sale of M&T Books so soon after its acquisition by Miller Freeman was due to the resignation of Linda Hanger , who had been ‘ the driving force behind the books ’ division under M&T Publishing .
29 The lack of section 4 admissions was due to the availability of an approved doctor at the Centre : the approved doctor is frequently the most difficult of the two doctors to get hold of under sections 2 or 3 .
30 We have already seen that if the defect was due to the negligence of the manufacturer , the boy could himself have sued the manufacturer direct for negligence .
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