Example sentences of "was [adj] [verb] [pron] [prep] [adj] " in BNC.

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1 All we know is that Nicola was due to meet him at nine o'clock and that he did n't turn up .
2 Coffin furniture was also exported to the colonies , it being so cheap to buy that it was unnecessary to produce it in far-flung corners of the Empire .
3 ‘ I certainly sha n't speak to her until she starts replying to my letters , ’ said Lord Grubb , cued in so that it was possible to say it at last .
4 The DEA was free to use it for any covert operation it wished , but if anything went wrong , Hurley could always say , ‘ Oh , you mean that Cypriot boat . ’
5 This anonymous peasant sensed intuitively the lack of communication between the centre and the grass roots , and was prepared to overcome it through personal effort .
6 From the presence of enlarged joints and marine gastropods on these shelves , he was prepared to attribute them to marine action since the sea has stood at its present level .
7 In plain language it meant that there could be no public loan unless the British Government was prepared to commit itself to severe retrenchment , including a cut of ten per cent in unemployment benefits .
8 Dr Neil — she could not think of him as Neil — was careful to hold her in such a way that she felt no restraint , although his own self-control was slowly beginning to slip .
9 With every inducement to satisfy Anselm — and Anselm did not hesitate to urge his sufferings on behalf of the papacy as a reason for conceding the claims of Canterbury — Paschal II was careful to concede nothing of lasting importance .
10 Rose , with the same tact as she had brought them to the house , was careful to absent herself from these occasions as much as possible .
11 His face filled with sly mockery , he allowed his eyes to slide insultingly over her , and a sneer pulled at his mouth as he said softly , ‘ Maybe I was wrong to ditch you after all .
12 Cassie was content to leave it at that .
13 Her head was spinning , filled with so many thoughts that it was impossible to sort one from another .
14 ‘ I was supposed to take you in dead , ’ muttered K ! sdra sullenly .
15 I was supposed to use it for 20 minutes on each side in between Holly 's feeds , which were every two or three hours anyway .
16 I could have done with it , I could n't get on the bloo they got this internal bus service that runs from each college , cos you have to go to the other colleges for your lectures , and I just sort , there 's not enough , and you , you get turned away , and I just thought , I went for that bus Tuesday morning , I was supposed to get it at eight fifteen , and he just said sorry , no more room .
17 Sean 's dad did not even leave his seat because he was unprepared to do anything about this problem , but he knew that he should do something about it .
18 Travis was quick to deny it with one of his charming smiles .
19 He drove himself hard , expecting his workforce to do the same , but he was quick to provide them with social benefits — housing in 1901 and 1908 , a hospital and benefit scheme in 1917 , holidays with pay , and a consultative board of directors and workers ' representatives in 1927 .
20 ‘ I think it was good to meet lots of different people but on the other hand , I have never really felt settled or had lifelong friends like most people , ’ he says .
21 It seemed that the Prime Minister was unable to dismiss her Chancellor , but was unable to invest him with full confidence either .
22 Maybe she had been locked in her self-imposed prison for so long that now she was unable to control herself at all .
23 In all my life there have been very few occasions when I badly wanted more money and that was one of them , because on my wage of three shillings a day as an AC2 I was unable to drape her with expensive clothes .
24 I returned to London , and was unable to find you until two hours ago . ’
25 Sigeric 's successor , Ælfric , recovered it , but N.P. Brooks has pointed out that other losses would have left no trace in the Canterbury records if they were not regained , and Thietmar of Merseburg says that Archbishop Ælfheah was unable to ransom himself in 1012 because of dire poverty .
26 It was important to position herself within easy reach of the doors before letting him see her , in case she had to bolt .
27 I was able to accommodate him at each time , you follow what I mean .
28 It was during this time that James was able to reacquaint himself with another old school chum , Malcolm Nurse .
29 She was n't used to expressing such volatility in front of anyone , and it confounded her how a total stranger , and a man she disliked into the bargain , was able to stir her to such an extent .
30 It was too large for me at that time , but over the next twelve months I must have grown considerably because , with wooden blocks fixed on the pedals , I was able to reach it in comparative comfort .
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