Example sentences of "was [adv] see [prep] a [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 Kim was eventually seen by a psychiatrist and the latter told the parents she was going through a phase of sibling rivalry which she would eventually grow out of .
2 The vote was widely seen as a test of voters ' attitude to greater integration into western Europe .
3 Yesterday 's ballot was widely seen as a test of strength for Mr Meciar , whose hand-picked candidate last month outpolled his opposition rival but failed to garner the required three fifths majority in the 150-seat house in two rounds of voting last month .
4 This took place amid rumours of a split within the NEC over support for a common age of consent , and was widely seen as a response to tabloid hysteria on such matters .
5 However , the move was widely seen as a concession to the President , Gen. Gnassingbe Eyadema .
6 The vote was widely seen as a referendum on the LDP 's controversial UN Peace Co-operation Bill , which was withdrawn three days later .
7 Akayev was widely seen as a democrat and as eager to develop contacts with capitalist countries .
8 The memorandum was widely seen as a victory for the Chinese side in the negotiations , with the UK effectively agreeing to Chinese demands that it should be able to set its own terms for the size and financing of the project .
9 He was a tall thin man with a stoop , who was rarely seen without a pipe clenched between his teeth .
10 And surely Isaiah Berlin was better seen as a liberal of the old school , a classic Millian , while Karl Popper arguably opened the way , via Lakatos , to Thomas Kuhn ?
11 The Sussex coast was best seen at a distance , though , for proximity to the sea causes human beings to create great ugliness .
12 The much-rumoured move was not seen as a surprise at Westminster where Mrs Currie , who entered the Commons vowing never to just ‘ sit around adorning the backbenches ’ , had slim prospects of ministerial rehabilitation .
13 In contrast , it is noteworthy that pupils skipping a lesson here and there , having registered as present , was not seen as a problem by headteachers .
14 Truancy within the school day ( by pupils skipping individual lessons ) was not seen as a problem by headteachers ; 14 schools reported that they did not keep period attendance records .
15 Lung cancer was not seen as a sequel to smoking until the middle of the twentieth .
16 Whereas in Victorian England the provision of libraries was not seen as a matter of political contention , in modern England the political factor has operated directly in the closure and cutbacks of libraries .
17 Moss escaped with his life but the famous " Lucky No.7 " car of his was not seen in a Formula One Grand Prix again although he did later return to saloon car racing .
18 When George Bush addressed the Republican National Convention in New Orleans in 1988 , he was still seen as a wimp .
19 Petit point was clearly seen as a reward , not a threat .
20 He was later seen with a cartridge belt , filled with cartridges , around his waist and with the barrels of the gun close to his head .
21 She was later seen at a hamburger stand in the car park behind the Guest House where she met her death .
22 The ecology committee of the Russian parliament had demanded the shut-down , but the government 's decision was also seen as a response to the winding-down of Russia 's nuclear weapons programme .
23 A lifestyle involving hard work , charity , abstinence from drink , strict morality , and thrift was deemed absolutely essential , as it was not only insisted on in the Bible , but was also seen as a sign of an individual 's elect status .
24 The union of Marr and Quando was also seen as a peace treaty between The Smiths and The Factory organisation .
25 Not only was ‘ Dositejism ’ denounced by Metropolitan Stratimirović because of its anticlericalism , its suspected ‘ Protestantism ’ and its attachment to an alien western culture , but it was also seen as a threat to the language .
26 The reduction of imports of Soviet fertilizer was also seen as a threat to grain production , one of Vietnam 's major successes in recent years .
27 In what was also seen as a reference to Japan , countries with large surpluses and declining growth were urged to consider measures to strengthen domestic demand .
28 It was also seen as a way of raising standards of attainment : the specification of targets and the systematic assessment of pupils ' work on a national basis were thought to constitute a challenge to schools and teachers to raise their expectations , and to channel their efforts to bring about enhanced standards in pupils in the key areas represented by the national curriculum .
29 The way in which care programming had been introduced from the ‘ top down ’ was also seen as a disadvantage , ‘ We were given a lot of freedom to develop services in the eighties , now we feel new systems are being imposed ’ .
30 It was also seen as a war of national self-defence against those who had invaded French territory and had incited loyal subjects into rebellion .
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