Example sentences of "was [adv] [vb pp] that [det] [noun] " in BNC.

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1 But the Welsh builders were unhappy about staying in a small French village without fried eggs and sausages for breakfast and although the local hotelier was eventually persuaded that this fare was absolutely essential , the Welsh contingent did not see the job through and a third firm , French again , was then brought in .
2 It was widely believed that all restrictions on economic relations would be removed once an appropriate formula of agreement could be devised which would be acceptable to nationalist sensitivities .
3 It was widely believed that this provision had been specifically inserted to prevent a return to office by Ríos Montt , an evangelical Protestant who had come to power in the wake of a military coup and ruled as dictator from March 1982 to August 1983 [ see pp. 31605-07 ; 32494-96 ] .
4 When Paul Devereux took over The Ley Hunter in 1976 , it was widely assumed that some form of energy existed at ancient sites , but there had been virtually no research to back these ideas up .
5 It was widely understood that these areas of disagreement were directly attributable to the relative strengths of the superpowers in different categories of weapons .
6 On balance , however , it was generaly agreed that this feature did not warrant the de-selection of ( i ) as the best possible opening to the story .
7 ‘ I remember that my invitation extended to 14 days , but it was so arranged that any visitor who might have to leave for the day could do so and could return again .
8 [ Around 1800 ] persons … were enabled by their skill and industry to maintain themselves and families in a state of comfort and respectability ; and to keep their own houses and pay taxes , scot and lot , and contribute towards the maintenance of other persons in their profession , who were either sick or in distress , so that it was scarcely known that any person in this trade ever applied for parochial relief .
9 It was not disputed that such interference with business is tortious if any unlawful means are used . ’
10 The evidence produced included a transcript in English of Price 's evidence before the City Court of Gôteborg ; and it was not disputed that this evidence was admissible under paragraph 12 of the Schedule 1 .
11 His views on divisive issues such as abortion , crime and affirmative action were not clearly defined , however , and it was generally thought that this factor , together with his general pragmatism , would assist him in seeking to heal the current divisions within the Republican Party .
12 St Paul had taught that the powers that be were ordained of God , and it was generally held that all power , genuinely held , was God-given , that kings were of God 's choosing .
13 It was generally agreed that this legislation could only be viewed as punitive , particularly in an area such as West Belfast , which is devoid of any real opportunities for employment .
14 It was mistakenly assumed that this trend represented a return to more traditional literary values ; an examination of such works reveals a postmodernist contestation of the conventional boundaries between genres and an intertextual mixture of writings , of which the fragmented subjectivity of the writer was itself a discourse capable of being plundered in order to generate text .
15 West European governments never expected the Final Act to work an instant revolution in international affairs and it was always understood that many questions lay beyond its scope .
16 It was further understood that any arrangement with Britain would not preclude separate American talks with the French or the Canadians .
17 It was further alleged that some complainants were shadowed , intimidated and , even , assaulted while going about their daily affairs ( Out of Court , BBC 2 , 4 March 1987 ) .
18 After discussion , this was agreed and it was further resolved that this meeting be treated as an interim one and that a full AGM be held in March 1990 and annually thereafter .
19 However , it was quickly realised that this area was much too extensive and the southern part of rural Bedfordshire remained largely unvisited during the three-year period .
20 It was confidently predicted that some firms , particularly the smaller ones , would also go out of business as a consequence of the 1985 round of price cutting .
21 It was later reported that both sides had scaled down the number of troops along the border .
22 However , it was also accepted that such programs could be protected if not dictated by idea .
23 It was also said that both masters neglected to wear their gowns , that the gardens were overgrown , and that , though there were still about 150 boys at the School , yet " they were of a lower class than formerly " .
24 It was also announced that all telecommunications , banking and other public services on the island would be terminated .
25 But it was also recognized that such circumstances called for different strategies within the respective elementary and higher sectors of education .
26 It was also resolved that this article should appear in ‘ Contact ’ to inform members of Convocation of the course of action that has been forced on Standing Committee by Hong Kong Branch due to their noncompliance with the standing orders of the Branch Constitution .
27 However , it was also shown that this gate mechanism was controlled by impulses descending from the brain .
28 It was also claimed that some people in the media held shares in the mining companies and thus coverage of the exploration could be uncritical .
29 It was also expected that this decision would lead to the building of a power station to use the lignite .
30 It was also suggested that some sort of ‘ Irish dimension ’ ( to borrow the term of the 1980s ) be institutionalized by the creation of a Council of Ireland made up of representatives of the Westminster and Dublin parliaments and members from the to-be-created Stormont ‘ Assembly ’ .
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