Example sentences of "was [adv] [vb pp] that [adj] [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 But the Welsh builders were unhappy about staying in a small French village without fried eggs and sausages for breakfast and although the local hotelier was eventually persuaded that this fare was absolutely essential , the Welsh contingent did not see the job through and a third firm , French again , was then brought in .
2 The law was welcomed by leading Soviet journalists , but it was widely assessed that true press freedom would only be achieved when state control of paper production and of distribution and ownership of print works was ended .
3 It was widely believed that this provision had been specifically inserted to prevent a return to office by Ríos Montt , an evangelical Protestant who had come to power in the wake of a military coup and ruled as dictator from March 1982 to August 1983 [ see pp. 31605-07 ; 32494-96 ] .
4 When Paul Devereux took over The Ley Hunter in 1976 , it was widely assumed that some form of energy existed at ancient sites , but there had been virtually no research to back these ideas up .
5 On Nov. 7 it was widely reported that Nigerian Alpha jets had bombed NPFL positions in the Monrovia suburbs of Gardnersville , Mount Barclay and Stockton Creek the previous day , and had also attacked areas close to the rebel headquarters at Gbarnga , 160 km north of Monrovia on Nov. 5 .
6 It was widely predicted that last season 's First Division runners-up would melt in the white hot cauldron of Ibrox .
7 It was widely predicted that last season 's First Division runners-up would melt in the white hot cauldron of Ibrox .
8 He wanted runners in his pack , so Neath — Waldron 's club , as his antagonists accusingly pointed out — came into vogue even though the evidence was swiftly adduced that outstanding club players do not necessarily make adequate internationals .
9 On balance , however , it was generaly agreed that this feature did not warrant the de-selection of ( i ) as the best possible opening to the story .
10 ‘ I remember that my invitation extended to 14 days , but it was so arranged that any visitor who might have to leave for the day could do so and could return again .
11 [ Around 1800 ] persons … were enabled by their skill and industry to maintain themselves and families in a state of comfort and respectability ; and to keep their own houses and pay taxes , scot and lot , and contribute towards the maintenance of other persons in their profession , who were either sick or in distress , so that it was scarcely known that any person in this trade ever applied for parochial relief .
12 It was just accepted that one day Sara would have a little inheritance .
13 It was not disputed that such interference with business is tortious if any unlawful means are used . ’
14 The evidence produced included a transcript in English of Price 's evidence before the City Court of Gôteborg ; and it was not disputed that this evidence was admissible under paragraph 12 of the Schedule 1 .
15 His views on divisive issues such as abortion , crime and affirmative action were not clearly defined , however , and it was generally thought that this factor , together with his general pragmatism , would assist him in seeking to heal the current divisions within the Republican Party .
16 St Paul had taught that the powers that be were ordained of God , and it was generally held that all power , genuinely held , was God-given , that kings were of God 's choosing .
17 It was generally agreed that this legislation could only be viewed as punitive , particularly in an area such as West Belfast , which is devoid of any real opportunities for employment .
18 It was mistakenly assumed that this trend represented a return to more traditional literary values ; an examination of such works reveals a postmodernist contestation of the conventional boundaries between genres and an intertextual mixture of writings , of which the fragmented subjectivity of the writer was itself a discourse capable of being plundered in order to generate text .
19 It was always assumed that Urban Programme funding would represent only a proportion of total expenditure in the Partnerships — most would come through a diversion of mainstream budgets to the benefit of the older urban cores .
20 The battle for respectability led to better cinemas but it was always conceded that real victory would only come through the production of better films .
21 It was further recognised that project-related work in the library also brought benefits in terms of teacher/pupil interaction and support : you have the opportunity to get closer to them as well … to help them better because you can go round small groups and talk at length while others are getting on with something that you know they are interested in .
22 It was further understood that any arrangement with Britain would not preclude separate American talks with the French or the Canadians .
23 After discussion , this was agreed and it was further resolved that this meeting be treated as an interim one and that a full AGM be held in March 1990 and annually thereafter .
24 However , it was quickly realised that this area was much too extensive and the southern part of rural Bedfordshire remained largely unvisited during the three-year period .
25 It was quickly recognised that effective learning could most easily take place when opportunities were created frequently throughout each day , in a relaxed familiar setting and with a trusted companion .
26 It was later announced that General Oufkir had committed suicide by shooting himself in the head — three times .
27 It was also said that good motivation alone was not enough for the unemployed as training was necessary , however determined a person was to obtain employment .
28 However , it was also realised that existing service provision did not always meet clients ' needs .
29 It was also decided that joint stock companies would be permitted and that foreign-owned ventures would be allowed to operate on the same terms as domestically owned firms .
30 It was also hoped that bureaucratic impartiality would reduce discrimination further .
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