Example sentences of "was [adv] [art] [noun] of [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 This was mostly a matter of scale ; Pete 's feeling was that you could n't own such a place , you could only be owned by it .
2 It was rather a kind of oligarchy , with a strong hereditary element in its composition .
3 As Stephen Wood points out in his Introduction to his edited book discussing the de-skilling thesis ( Wood 1982 , 15 ) , Braverman appears to assume ‘ that prior to Taylorism control was not in the hands of management , but was rather a kind of management by neglect ( the laissez-faire method , as Taylor called it ) , in which workers knew more than managers ’ .
4 Some years ago the teachers of one language pronounced themselves satisfied that at the end of a year the students of it had the capacity for literary reading ; the equally competent and concerned teachers of another language were convinced that their students had achieved no such capacity , and that the process was rather a waste of time .
5 In the early stages we started off with perhaps Minor schools which could almost have been Major ones , because you were just trying to find any school that had got some kind of life , or interest , or things happening … really in many ways it was rather a matter of chance because of the way it happened at the time .
6 Hoover , himself , certainly not a callous man , considered that it would be fatal for the Federal government to take over in the field of relief , which was properly the concern of state and local governments with help from private charity .
7 The latter was properly the business of epistemology and to be excluded from the scientific practice of sociology .
8 I mean , listening to Duke Robillard was kinda the kiss of approval to what I was trying to do .
9 In the 1890s the British botanist H. B. Guppy , who specialized in the study of oceanic islands , began to argue that dispersal was merely a function of time : the oldest genera were the most widespread , whatever their powers of dispersal .
10 Heroes could be any one of these or many other heroic individuals — the Emperor Magnus the Pious was merely a student of theology when he began his march against Chaos , for example .
11 Nietzsche 's inaugural lecture , it is true , had alarmed Ritschl by suggesting that " all philological activity should be embraced and defined by a philosophical outlook " , but that ( in a lecture on Homer ) was merely a statement of intent .
12 It was merely a figure of speech ; you need have no fear that I 'll creep along in the early hours to take advantage of your defenceless body . ’
13 Yes , something was going on inside her : recently , she was pursued by the idea that her love for Paul was merely a matter of will : merely the will to love him ; merely the will to have a happy marriage .
14 This pleased his Peripatetic opponents who asserted with Aristotle that sinking or floating was merely a matter of shape .
15 The Soviet Union saw no need to remain in military terms and appears to have thought it was merely a matter of time before communism was extended to the southern half of the peninsula .
16 I told him the letter had been posted on to you and it was merely a matter of time before you got it . ’
17 It was merely a matter of time and I knew it .
18 ‘ I mean it was merely a study of kinship , ’ he added , seeing before him now the outraged faces of his colleagues at his letting the side down by describing such work as ‘ nothing much , really ’ .
19 On the other hand we are not positively told that he was insane , and so we must also consider the unlikely hypothesis that the mistake was merely an act of folly .
20 Prior to 1916–17 , prior to the crisis brought about by the demise of his father , the process of schooling was merely an extension of family life , a childhood means of emulating a successful father , the arena in which to live up to the expectations of a demanding father-figure .
21 As we sat there at the wedding-feast I held to the pedestrian belief that the rustling jetsam at my feet was merely the accumulation of champagne foil .
22 It trivialises the issue to say that it was merely the result of panic — although there was certainly panic in good measure .
23 She might be able to convince herself that the momentary flash of madness she 'd experienced , in thinking that she was falling in love with Luke Calder , was merely the result of stress , but it did n't change the fact that she was greatly attracted to him , and that was where the true danger lay .
24 I doubt if my mother really wanted to have a child in the heat of India and was surely delighted that she was merely the victim of indigestion .
25 The slope eased , and I came over what had seemed from below like a ridge , but in fact was merely the folding of ice from a long saddle that ran like a narrow valley between west and east summits .
26 The dispute between Derrida and Foucault was less a question of text versus history than an argument about history itself .
27 What Mill feared in democracy was less the type of government it might produce than the dominance , within society , of what he saw as a monolithic body of mediocre public opinion , which would be intolerant of dissent or even mere eccentricity .
28 It was less the fear of hell ( which seemed a long time away ) than the fear of being a non-person which prompted me to ask my parents if I could be baptised .
29 So there was obviously a lot of debate around , you know , Is it going to happen ? and if it does happen , well it 'll clearly happen in .
30 That was obviously a load of rubbish . ’
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