Example sentences of "was [adv] [adv] [vb pp] [prep] [noun] " in BNC.

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1 The speech , billed as the most important address ever made by a Hong Kong governor , was mostly well received by community leaders , with criticisms focusing on its skimpy attention to important political issues .
2 This vision was most dramatically evoked by John Bailey at a conference of the English Association in 1917 :
3 This view was most effectively expressed by writers such as G.H. Mead ( 1934 ) and L.S. Vygotsky ( trans. 1962 , 1978 ) over 50 years ago .
4 The contradictory nature of the party leadership 's stance on cultural matters between 1928 and 1934 was most strikingly illustrated by Barbusse 's editorial control of the journal Monde .
5 The idea that the appearance of amour courtois in late eleventh-century Aquitaine was one of the great moments in the history of mankind was most powerfully expressed by C. S. Lewis in The Allegory of Love .
6 This view was most strongly expressed in respect of music and drama .
7 Romero 's murder , into which there has still been no official investigation , was most probably instigated by Roberto D'Aubuisson , leader of the ARENA Party .
8 The motif was most probably introduced into Persia from China — where it had been used for centuries as a symbol of peace and tranquillity — and has subsequently been adapted to fulfil both the schematic and symbolic requirements of Islamic weavers .
9 Before they met , Marshall announced the absurd news that enquiries in the rag trade had revealed that Trilyn , notorious for its inability to stand up to heavy wear , was most frequently used for trouser pockets .
10 This vital factor was most clearly recognised by policy-makers in the mid-1980s .
11 This was most clearly shown by Paul Dirac 's formulation of the general principles of quantum theory , of which we shall give some account in the following chapter .
12 The ‘ right of silence ’ and the concomitant immunity from making incriminating disclosures was most helpfully discussed by Neill L.J .
13 Some Conservative support for the BUF was evident from its early days and was most obviously stated through Rothermere 's Daily Mail which , on 8 January 1934 , contained an article entitled ‘ Hurrrah for the Blackshirts ’ .
14 Although Gregory insisted that he was related to thirteen of his predecessors in the see , his family was most obviously connected with Burgundy and the Auvergne , and a local priest , Riculf , saw him as an outsider .
15 The party also nominated the head of state ( currently Mathieu Kerekou , who assumed office in 1972 and was most recently re-elected in August 1989 ) , who was elected by the Assembly for a five-year term and who presided over the National Executive Council .
16 The comparison between the canals and railways was most graphically drawn by Mr W.F. Martin of the Mountsorrel Granite Company , one of the companies that could conceivably have benefited much from an improved canal , when giving evidence to the Royal Commission of 1906 .
17 Thee were plenty of amusements for the young guests , including a palmist who proved very popular ; also a tombola , which was most efficiently run by Mr and Mrs John Pearce , helped by four of their five children .
18 Its city bus station was sold for development and its long-distance coach station was wholly unexpectedly sold for £4 1 million .
19 Some countships were more equal than others : a " greater " count was presumably so called in part because his civitas was richer and more important , for instance , as a central place in one of the regna ( like Angers in Neustria , or Autun in Burgundy ) .
20 Petrol was so strictly rationed in wartime that bikes were always in demand .
21 To do this we need to consider another element in the picture of autonomy which was so meticulously side-stepped by Holt .
22 But surely there has never been a case of any Hollywood actor admitting himself for therapy because he was so badly addicted to women .
23 Ally Donaldson , to his credit , gave the impression of being grimly determined to answer those who say he does n't tackle but he was not the naturally punitive defender who was so badly needed in view of the back row 's shortcomings .
24 Indeed , that is precisely the point which was so clearly recognised by President Yeltsin .
25 Einzig was so frequently seen in Minton 's company that to outsiders it seemed as if she became his other half .
26 He found that he could pay a compliment to Charles Raven , from whom he was so sadly sundered in spirit , for his book on Religion and Science .
27 The ban on the export of wool , which was so extensively produced in Lincolnshire , led to it being smuggled out of the country .
28 No mention is made of the lateral road on the ridge of Busaco which was so carefully restored by Wellington and which played such a vital role in the successful conduct of the battle .
29 Worried about Germany , Poles stopped worrying about Soviet troops in Poland and began to feel rather relieved that their current president , General Wojciech Jaruzelski , was so well connected in Moscow .
30 It was so well hidden by forest , however , that they were almost upon it before she really had the chance to look .
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