Example sentences of "was [adv] [verb] [prep] her [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 When she was politely asked about her father 's health her reply startled the assembled company .
2 Secretary Karen Haywood said she was relentlessly pursued by her boss Stephen Pointer .
3 She was presumably trained in her father 's workshop , and she came to England into royal service in about 1545 .
4 She and her brother went to see him and he was so touched by her gesture that he burst into tears .
5 I was so offended by her behaviour towards me that tears came to my eyes .
6 And anyway , I was so overwhelmed by her mother , who was so sweet to me , that I wanted to be her friend .
7 Rincewind hurriedly recalled that a dryad was so linked to her tree that she suffered wounds in sympathy
8 She went with Breeze to call upon Mrs Rossitter , who was so charmed with her voice that she engaged her on the spot to read to her for two hours every day .
9 In the reign of Canute , an aristocratic woman called Godiva attending a vigil of prayer to St Etheldreda in Ely , was so kindled in her love towards the Ely monks , because of the ‘ beauty of the place and of their devotion ’ , that she granted three estates to the monastery .
10 I was so hurt by her amazement that tears came to my eyes .
11 He was so hurt by her attitude he was nearly in tears .
12 Beside the note , lying on the bare boards , Vanessa and her cohorts ( she had two brothers ; it was probably they who 'd come with her to empty the house ) had left a neat pile of broken glass , in case he was sufficiently moved by her entreaty to end his life there and then .
13 She was brutally assaulted by her brother 's friends , as they had turned into a frenzied mob .
14 She hurtled over cliffs in flaming cars or was brutally murdered on her way to the dry cleaners .
15 Distraught Sarah Miles was forced to wait twenty minutes for a rival bus — just days after another girl the same age was brutally raped on her way to school in Essex .
16 ‘ I love you , ’ she said simply , and was warmly kissed for her trouble .
17 In 1980 , when Miss Marshall was 62 , she was compulsorily retired despite her wish to stay on until she was 65 .
18 Laure 's distress was obviously compounded by her sister 's suicide .
19 Her deportment , said to be ‘ like a queen ’ , was perhaps formed by her work at the dressmaking and millinery shop , Cranborne Alley , Leicester Square , to which she journeyed from Southwark , where her family was living .
20 He was constantly interfering in her life , lecturing her , ordering her about .
21 She was greatly valued for her knowledge , help and guidance , given unstintingly over the years .
22 Many portraits of Wordsworth and Coleridge exist , though unfortunately Dorothy was only painted in her dotage .
23 This Anti-Critique was only published after her death , and Bukharin joined the debate only in 1924 with his own book Imperialism and the Accumulation of Capital .
24 She sat down on the bed and held my hand ; all the flippancy was suddenly gone from her face .
25 This last question was apparently directed to her watch , which she was studying as she checked his pulse .
26 His wife lunched with us , and I was much struck by her character .
27 And when Jessie saw this man that she loved slide down the wall , then drop onto his side , she screamed ; but her screaming was soon checked by her father who , staggering towards her , put his hand over her mouth then twisted one of her arms behind her and thrust her towards the staircase door .
28 For once , Our Cilla was utterly biased in her choice of which of the three hopefuls should win Thursday 's star prize : five years of running the country .
29 Throughout her life she was a regular worshipper at Llanfwrog Parish Church , even though in recent years she was largely confined to her home .
30 She suffered from arthritis and was largely confined to her home .
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