Example sentences of "was [adv] [verb] [adv prt] in [adj] " in BNC.

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1 The change was put down to the fact that , since the act was only brought in in 1986 , it had taken time for its effects to come through .
2 But the Swiss Confederation of all 23 cantons was only set up in 1848 .
3 Sartre 's argument for History as totalization , then , was already caught up in interminable difficulties by the time he was drafting Volume II of the Critique in 1958 .
4 There was nothing to reach for , no aching energy of ambition to move him ; as far as he could see , he was just kicking around in medium comfort and waiting to get old and die .
5 Unlike Richard he was not brought up in Welsh but learnt it as a foreign language .
6 Along Downing Street ( which was not railed off in those days ) and on the thresholds of other public buildings , pickets from the four main Civil Service trade unions were noisily demonstrating their disdain for the authority of a Labour government that was already on the skids .
7 The superseding of medieval forms of agricultural exploitation had taken centuries ( and was still going on in some parts of Europe in 1880 ) , but the decisive changes were over ; the worker had been freed from indissoluble ties with the land , that land itself was increasingly treated as a commodity like any other , and it absorbed more and more capital to make higher and higher production possible .
8 It was later written down in two books called the Mishnah and the Talmud .
9 LEFT The first Opera House in the Haymarket , London , which was later burnt down in 1789 .
10 Even from the shore I could tell that it had half strangled itself in a length of fishing line ; it was also hooked up in several places and carrying some heavy land weights .
11 It was also carried on in some few villages : fulling mills operated at East Hendred , near Wantage , Brimpton and Colthorp , as well as one at Bagnor owned by no less than Jack of Newbury himself .
12 A major ‘ down-sizing ’ operation was also carried out in Advanced Materials and in the Films businesses .
13 I was nearly run over in New Palace Yard after the vote by the surge of Jaguars roaring out of the carpark and off to the country for the weekend .
14 [ The Antarctic Treaty was originally drawn up in 1959 , and entered into force in 1961 .
15 The study reports on the findings of a re-interview survey of employers ' attitudes to the Youth Training Scheme , which was originally carried out in 1984 and repeated in 1985 .
16 In 1333 he rallied the men of the Cinque ports to defend the country during Edward III 's absence in Scotland and through the early stages of the Hundred Years ' War was inevitably caught up in coastal defence .
17 That lavish endowment of talent , which had been blotted up in sport and intense boyish preoccupations , was now called up in all its force and it did not let him down .
18 The radio claimed losses by government forces in the north-west , and said that fighting was now going on in five areas , mainly in Amharic-speaking central , north and north-west Ethiopia , as well as in the south and in the Ogaden area of the south-east .
19 It was n't coming out in any special order , though Pascoe suspected that something was being saved until the end .
20 The SDA was initially set up in 1975 ‘ to provide a regional dimension to complement the UK-wide sectoral interventionism of the National Enterprise Board ( NEB ) ’ ( Moor , 1986 , p. 8 ) .
21 The darkened lobby was again lit up in stark , nightmarish black-and-white .
22 But the image would n't come , it was softly blotted out in this warm , rosy room with drawers and cupboards being gently closed upon the last of her possessions and Lyddy asking her which dress she wanted laid out for dinner .
23 A local councillor is claiming tonight that the chemical works which was completely burned out in one of the region 's biggest fires for decades , had been a fire risk for some time .
24 This album was actually recorded back in 1990 , just after we 'd played with Lloyd Cole , so we 'd got to know each other pretty well .
25 The work was actually carried out in 1971–72 , although the lease did not take effect until February 1974 just two months before the old county borough ceased to exist at the time of local government reorganisation .
26 The final shaping of the whole assembly was actually carried out in this case after the two were glued together , before final fixing to the chair .
27 A feature of the in-service programme at Codsall Comprehensive School , for instance , was a guided tour of the school , the Director of Resources showing teachers what was actually going on in other departments .
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