Example sentences of "was [adj] [verb] [adv] [art] [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 Since it was possible to examine only a sample of such studies , what follows is aimed to reflect the fact of risk related fertility patterns rather than to give an accounting of the extent and paths of influence .
2 Assuming it was impractical to produce immediately a system which would do everything that personnel management wanted , which were the most important factors ?
3 What now became clear was that Cadwallon was prepared to tolerate neither the family of Eadwine nor that of Aethelfrith as rulers of the northern Angles .
4 In or about February 1983 , I received a message via my branch director that the deputy Director-General of MI5 was prepared to consider favourably an application from me for a telephone intercept on a member of the Communist Party within C.N.D. John Cox , a Vice-President of C.N.D. , was selected since he was well known as a member of the Communist Party and had been involved in C.N.D. practically since its inception .
5 Because of the scale of the disaster , it was agreed that it was impossible to recreate so the decision was taken to concentrate on the rescue of a particular individual , Martin Baptie .
6 From more than a few feet it was impossible to tell even the sex of the figure .
7 Any move of this kind towards the " summit diplomacy " of our own day was likely to undermine somewhat the position formerly enjoyed by the heads of great diplomatic missions .
8 In particular the central committee had been deprived of its ultimate power to dismiss the general secretary or the full politburo ( since the majority of politburo members sat ex-officio ) , while the composition of the politburo was likely to reduce drastically the frequency of its meetings .
9 Hence it was not surprising that Britain declined the invitation to join the proposed coal and steel structure , ostensibly because it was unwilling to accept beforehand the principle of a new and binding supranational authority .
10 it was just that her imagination , so strong and enticing , was apt to sweep away the barrier between itself and reality .
11 These seemed to be excellent local background material and I was able to use quite a number of facts from the pamphlets , giving the appropriate reference in each case .
12 Each subject was able to adjust both the height and the angle of a toilet seat by remote control .
13 This group of three- and four-year-olds were quite happy on their own , but by listening their teacher was able to learn quite a lot about their use of words and understanding of their meaning .
14 The problem is that since the NEP was first put forward the nature of the game has undergone considerable changes .
15 It was difficult to redirect rapidly the thinking of the Department of Industry , which had traditionally been interested in regional , not urban , policy .
16 Legal tenancy in common gave rise to great difficulties in the tracing of titles to land , because it was necessary to investigate separately the title of each tenant .
17 I was surprised to find there an air of prosperity and sophistication , large hotels catering for tourists , much activity at the harbour and more people on the streets than I thought there would be …
18 The rest of the cabinet was still reluctant to commit the taxpayer , but it was ready to take seriously a scheme put up by Lionel Rothschild for an international trust fund .
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