Example sentences of "was [verb] to [pers pn] by [art] " in BNC.

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1 This recipe was given to me by a well-travelled customer on her return from the USA .
2 It is not it was given to me by a nice gentleman from Napier College doing
3 I 'm glad you mentioned that cos it was given to me by the wife of the steeplechase handicap a very important man today cos for more than
4 I refer to a parliamentary answer that was given to me by the Under-Secretary of State for Employment , the hon. Member for Mid-Worcestershire ( Mr. Forth ) .
5 But , we know that April was a low figure , we also know that July and August are low a figure which comes out from this graph and was given to me by the director yesterday , is a genuine average which is turning out to be between a hundred and a hundred and ten placements per month twelve hundred to fourteen hundred placements per year a thr over a three year average residency period three thousand six hundred to four thousand two hundred placements in residential care , where then is the real problem .
6 It was given to you by a certain gentleman , as security against a loan . ’
7 ‘ It was given to us by a descendant of Boutcher , who wants to remain anonymous .
8 ‘ It was assigned to me by the press , a breed which in my experience cares little for such irrelevancies as accuracy . ’
9 One of us ( D.G. ) developed the model described below before it was explained to him by the second author ( R.S.C. ) that VGPs are plotted in an asymmetrical way that appears natural to the palaeomagnetist but is confusing when considering the theory .
10 However , the reverse of this experience was reported to me by a woman who lost her lover in a drowning accident .
11 Are you telling me it was presented to you by the Royal Artillery Club ?
12 What occurred after I left was related to me by the men of the village , when I paid the district a second visit some months later .
13 At one stage the station , not far from the foreign legations , was connected to them by a tram line .
14 Wherefore as God had granted him all those dominions , it seemed just to them that he should accept the imperial title also , when it was offered to him by the consent of all Christendom .
15 Affidavits from the defendants ' solicitors established that the photocopy affidavit was supplied to them by the second defendant for the purposes of seeking legal advice in circumstances where litigation was contemplated , but did not indicate whether the photocopy sent was a photocopy which the second defendant made for the purpose of instructing his solicitors or a photocopy which had been sent to the second defendant by the employee himself , prepared for the employee 's own purposes which had nothing whatever to do with the defendants obtaining legal advice from their soliticors .
16 The picture in our feature was supplied to us by a manufacturer to illustrate a particular cot set and was not intended as a recommendation of how to put a baby down to sleep .
17 ‘ It was told to me by a black guy : ‘ What 's black with red stripes ?
18 At the time tomato purée for the restaurant was preserved in champagne bottles which were then sterilised — a method which was demonstrated to me by the cook at a pensione in Anacapri where I stayed during the summer of 1952 , and which I described in Italian Food .
19 Burton put himself on trial , later on public trial , either because he was driven to it by a daemon he could not command or because he willed the daemon to come out and fight .
20 He was driven to it by the logic of interest and events .
21 She was introduced to him by a friend who spoke of him with admiration .
22 ‘ I was very fond of ffeatherstonehaugh 's from the time I was introduced to it by a pal of mine in the late 1940s .
23 The result , of course , is that while RAI presents basketball or football with an advertising ratio not unlike British commercial television , the private networks are forever interrupting events to inform viewers that the penalty was brought to you by the Galbani Salami company or that Nigel Mansell 's dash from pole position is nothing but a gift from the state oil conglomerate .
24 Rule A five was brought to us by the amalgamation of the boilermakers , who themselves have tried to get rid of this bloody rule .
25 It was awarded to us by the Independent Television Commission after we submitted an unopposed bid for the franchise .
26 In the surrounding countryside farming continues in a way that is very little different from what was left to us by the Romans , though sunflowers have recently begun to replace some of the olive trees .
27 The back door was barred to her by the people she would have to pass in the kitchen .
28 The third report I know of came from the Johannesburg Sunday Times of 14 February , 1982 , and was sent to me by a medical colleague .
29 that was sent to me by the the people who want the stuff .
30 Later a sketch of a reusable coffin was sent to me by an interested correspondent .
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