Example sentences of "was [verb] the [noun prp] [adj] [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 Dos Santos on Oct. 10 cancelled a visit to the USA , where he was to attend the UN General Assembly , having failed to obtain high-level meetings with US politicians , and in protest at " hostile US policy " towards his government ( which remained unrecognized by the USA ) .
2 Freelancer Tihomir Tunukovic , 25 , a Croatian known as ‘ Tuna ’ , was driving the BBC armoured vehicle in a convoy when it was attacked near Travnik as fierce fighting shattered the start of a UN-brokered ‘ Week of Tranquillity ’ .
3 AN RAF plane was searching the Atlantic last night for a missing solo yachtsman .
4 I was to study the PADI five day open water course and two day advanced course .
5 The effect of the Polish Corridor was to send the East Prussian economy into an abrupt and dizzying nosedive as it lost its traditional markets for beef , grain , timber , fur , sugar-beet and alcohol .
6 Sir Leon , who was giving the Grenada annual address in London yesterday , said that German reunification was becoming inevitable .
7 To understand them it is necessary to recollect that the period immediately after the publication of Morgenthau 's book was one in which a new behaviourist wave of thinking about the social sciences was sweeping the US academic community .
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