Example sentences of "was [verb] by [noun pl] [prep] [noun] " in BNC.

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1 He said he was to get £30,000 to £40,000 for his role , and added : ‘ I went down the A82 via Fort William before I was stopped by police at Doune . ’
2 Amphetamine powder was found in a car containing five youths including Wilson , the driver , who was stopped by police in Middlesbrough last May .
3 Kevin John Porter , 28 , was stopped by police in Commercial Street , Darlington , last summer after drinking with a friend who asked him to fill up the car .
4 As the Waaagh roamed freely over the Worlds Edge Mountains it was joined by multitudes of Goblins including the Night Goblin tribes of Red Eye Mountain and many Forest Goblin tribes from the Great Forest .
5 The monument was erected by friends of Camus after his death .
6 Nevertheless , he was reinstated by envoys of Charlemagne and Pope Leo in 809 .
7 Cirencester , Gloucestershire-based start-up , Beaver Valley Systems Ltd , has signed to market Precision Visuals International 's PV Wave visual analysis software : BVS , an X-Windows specialist was formed by refugees from Meiko and DEC .
8 The resolution was dismissed by aides of Israel 's Prime Minister Itzhak Shamir , who asserted that it was " a pity " that the UN found it necessary repeatedly to condemn Israel when the real Middle East crisis was in the Gulf .
9 The resultant social unrest was highlighted by episodes of looting of supermarkets .
10 Assistance was given by brigades from Stony Stratford and Newport Pagnell .
11 In the run-up to the country 's first multiparty elections for 43 years , scheduled for March 25 , the ruling Hungarian Socialist Party ( HSP ) was shaken by revelations during January that the Interior Ministry 's security police had not stopped covert surveillance of the activities of opposition politicians , despite the enactment during the past 12 months of laws and constitutional amendments creating a multiparty system [ see pp. 36399 ; 36960-61 ] .
12 Most recently of all , the industry was shaken by signals from Whitehall last year that the size and shape of the armed forces might be transformed .
13 Similar work was undertaken by women in shoe-making .
14 If much land transport was undertaken by peasants as part of their multifarious labour services or to earn a little money on the side , much too , by land and sea , must have been undertaken by professionals .
15 The material from a number of north-west European countries was arranged by types for comparison from which conclusions about the connectedness of artefact types were drawn .
16 During a provincial tour of the south-west , Koirala 's motorcade was stoned by demonstrators on April 27 and some of his staff were injured .
17 The Werner plan , from which that prediction was drawn , was wrecked by events outside Europe — the Nixon shocks and partly the effects of the OPEC increase in the oil price — but no hon. Member seems able to recall that it ever existed .
18 A recent case , where a woman was murdered for her dowry , was registered by police as suicide .
19 It narrowly escaped being called upon to name them ( see later , p155 ) but its conduct in promising a plea of justification and persisting in such a plea until the last moment was punished by damages of £50,000 .
20 Initial progress was made in tracing water discharged at resurgences but this was succeeded by deductions of limestone erosion rates , by determination of drainage areas , by distinction of the significance of percolation water and of conduit flow and thence of application of the results of process investigations to the derivation of modified models of landscape development as proposed by Smith and Newson ( 1974 ) for the Mendips .
21 But their most famous victory , over the black Conservative John Taylor in Cheltenham , was clouded by suggestions of racism , and as our Political Editor Peter Hayes reports it was racism that also overshadowed the first day of the conference .
22 The second model ( Fig 12.4 ) illustrates a systemic view of the pre-ERA situation , assuming that , although the primary aim was to deliver education to meet statutory requirements and local needs , the provision of the necessary resources was constrained by limitations on finance , in turn influenced by the requirement to ensure parity of resources in all Colleges controlled by the LEA .
23 Worthy of note too , are the cabinets made at Cheb and the fine examples of Baroque furniture , much of which was designed by architects like K. 1 .
24 He talked rather obsessively about those times , and while he talked I was overwhelmed by feelings of desolation : this no man 's land made me uneasy .
25 The Station Doctor ( Dr Rogers ) was overwhelmed by cases of skin diseases , liver disorders , pulmonary disorders and even cholera .
26 In Nicaragua , the US embassy in Managua was surrounded by troops in retaliation for American troops ringing the Nicaraguan embassy in Panama City .
27 As in a dream one was harrowed by questions of scale , by impenetrable disparities .
28 The client 's discourse was dominated by conceptions of kin-based relationships ; the lawyer 's discourse was dominated by conceptions of relations involving ownership potentialities and capacities .
29 The enormous steak was dominated by waves of potatoes , carrots and onions .
30 Moreover , Venetian sculpture at this period was dominated by craftsmen from Lombardy , and a number of Lombard painters are known to have produced works for Venetian clients , among them Andrea Solario , Marco d'Oggiono , Francesco Napoletano and Giovanni Agostino da Lodi , whose panel of ‘ Christ washing the Apostles ’ feet ’ from the Accademia , painted in 1500 , has just been restored .
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