Example sentences of "was [verb] at [art] time [adv] " in BNC.

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1 The apse is widely believed to represent the peak of Gothic architecture in Italy and was completed at a time when many of the architects working on the project had been brought in from Germany .
2 It was pressed at the time when Red Rhino were having their well documented financial troubles .
3 SYMAP was developed at a time when interactive computing was still at an experimental stage .
4 The Epson system referred to was designed at a time when it was more appropriate to use proprietary Epson upgrades .
5 The Governor , John Thomas-Ferrand explains how the prison was designed at a time when women did not work in all-male prisons , now 20% are women , yet they do not have their own shower facilities , for example .
6 The Governor , John Thomas-Ferrand explains how the prison was designed at a time when women did not work in all-male prisons , now 20% are women , yet they do not have their own shower facilities , for example .
7 All this was happening at a time when the Canadian Northern Railway was creating , in effect , a third transcontinental railway , built on much more economical lines than the exceptionally expensive and high-quality GTP .
8 The observational data was collected at a time when the men went in pairs , but they expressed concern over how this latest development worked against effective community policing :
9 On the other hand , the doctor would probably be in breach of his duty if it could be shown that the patient 's request was made at a time when he was demonstrably and predictably suffering from a temporary condition which made his judgment unreliable .
10 That submission was made at a time when I was sch not scheduled to be present at this enquiry , and was not present .
11 If the house was formerly in the sole name of the husband it would be quite appropriate for the wife 's solicitors to insist on a full abstract of title commencing with a good root of title ( although in practice it seems to be accepted that the title was properly investigated at the time of the husband 's purchase ) ; but in the case of a house already in joint names it is thought that this could be dispensed with , the wife 's solicitor assuming that a proper investigation of title to the property was made at the time when the house was purchased by the husband and the wife .
12 And of course this whole area , I mean this whole area was , was built at a time when those factories were at their height , in the sort of late nineteenth century .
13 It was built at the time when local builders possessed that magic formula for rightness of scale .
14 Considering that this was written at a time when Pound 's reputation was eclipsed as Eliot 's rose towards the zenith , the generosity of this essay , its lack of rancour , is admirable .
15 It took Stephanie some time to realise that she always refused what was offered at the time when it was offered , whether out of a curious notion of good manners or out of cussedness Stephanie was never wholly sure .
16 He was born at a time when the great majority of musicians were employed by patrons — wealthy aristocrats , monarchs , or prelates — or as civic musicians working for a town council .
17 He submitted that it was reached at a time when the essential principles of the law of negligence were established and properly represented the result of the application of those principles .
18 Because income support was introduced at a time when there would otherwise have been an increase in supplementary benefits , and because transitional protection has been provided for some groups of claimants who have been transferred to income support , the Government claims that relatively few people suffered an actual cut in benefit in April 1988 .
19 His company , a family business , was recently sold against his wishes and the British Steel Challenge was announced at a time when he was looking for a complete change of direction .
20 They are actually all for and b =8/3 but various values of P. In each case the integration was started at a time sufficiently earlier than the start of the trace that the choice of initial conditions is not having a large direct effect .
21 Capital is thus not only a political critique of society but it is also a criticism of the terms in which the economy was discussed at the time when he wrote , and a demonstration that these terms are moulded to the purposes of the system they pretend to analyse .
22 The authorities ' ability to pay for reforms was diminishing at a time when the gentry 's lack of enthusiasm for restructuring their finances was as great as ever .
23 The growth between the latter two dates was achieved at a time when the GTP and the Canadian Northern were themselves turning into grain-carrying lines .
24 The Labour government was elected at a time when Keynesian economics was moving towards being accepted as economic orthodoxy .
25 The first UN organization to have its headquarters in a developing country ( Nairobi , Kenya ) , UNEP was established at a time when the need to safeguard the environment from the impact of economic and population growth was not generally recognized .
26 Interesting , then , that his book was published at a time when the Western world was still recoiling after the oil sheikhs ' first shock to our system .
27 There is an exemption contained in s23(5) which applies where the holding was acquired at a time when the prohibition did not apply ( ie before the reverse takeover ) but subsequently the holder falls within the prohibition ( ie on the reverse takeover offer becoming unconditional ) .
28 His 1977 LP New Boots and Panties , a witty , vulgar celebration of low-life in Billericay and Shoeburyness , was released at a time when other British groups were singing about California in counterfeit mid-Atlantic accents .
29 The summit was held at a time when the internal and external relations of a number of the SAARC members were in a state of turmoil .
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