Example sentences of "was [verb] to [noun pl] [prep] [adj] " in BNC.

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1 Following the decision to reorganise the structure of local government in the 1970s , further consideration was given to matters of internal organisation .
2 Groningen effect on the Deep Laterolog measurement had been suspected , therefore priority was given to wells with more resistivity devices than just the Dual Laterolog/Micro-Spherically Focused Log .
3 Gastrin was given to rats by continuous subcutaneous infusion through implanted osmotic minipumps in doses covering a wide range of the dose response relationship fog astrin with regard to the trophic effect on the enterochromaffin like cells of the oxyntic mucosa .
4 Timid , fastidious and conservative in his dress , he was given to silences of legendary proportions and to a strict working routine more befitting the clerk he never became than the artist he was .
5 In the SAVE ( survival and ventricular enlargement ) and the SOLVD ( studies of left ventricular dysfunction ) prevention trials an angiotensin converting enzyme inhibitor was given to patients with asymptomatic left ventricular dysfunction with the aim of reducing mortality and the incidence of heart failure .
6 He was given to fits of violent enthusiasm and subsequent fits of gloom ; nobody knew what to predict regarding him .
7 Training was given to geophysicists in Interactive Surface Mapping ( ISM ) on the newly installed VAX mainframe computer and in gravity and magnetic modelling techniques on personal computers .
8 This protective effect of ursodeoxycholic acid was confined to patients aged 50 or less .
9 He was wed to groups of two or three respectful Americans , not prides of culture-hungry Lionisers .
10 Although converted to a bus garage in 1956 , it was reopened to trams in 1963 , following the closure of Marton Depot .
11 According to the ADC , in the cases quoted by councils the properties by and large fulfilled all the principal criteria set down by the Government for a property suitable for occupation by older people , ie that it was let to persons over pensionable age ; access was relatively easy ; the accommodation was on level ground ; the dwelling had no more than two bedrooms ; the heating arrangements were adequate ; the property was reasonably conveniently located .
12 The rhetoric of maternalism was applied to women of all classes , but with differential effect .
13 Typically , this ware had a pattern burnish on a red , grey or light brown surface , and it was applied to goblets with tall narrow stems or conical pedestal bases .
14 It was applied to enquiries of many kinds : about family history , about sex , about politics , about religion . )
15 The Poulson Report was presented to committees in 1966 after which it was published .
16 At one and the same time advocacy for dispersal from big cities was related to proposals for planned development in the depressed regions .
17 ‘ After the Smiths I had been playing the guitar for a few years and I was listening to things like Aztec Camera and Orange Juice .
18 Add to this the rapid growth in the numbers of expeditions , climbers and trekkers which has occurred in recent years and it is not surprising that the problem has reached massive proportions despite the availability of new access sites from Tibet which was opened to climbers in 1980 .
19 He was well aware of the anthropomorphism and indeed found it satisfying ; it was as though , in the Britches , thigh-deep in lashing nettle and octopus strands of clutching bramble he was coming to grips at last with a great many things and , as often as not , getting the upper hand .
20 She had never come to terms with her old life , but , inch by inch , she was coming to terms with this one : her first reality .
21 Here the ground was laid to vegetables on one side with a small orchard off to the left .
22 The more de Gaulle insisted that his was not a party and that he was appealing to all patriotic men and women of every class , the more he was conforming to stereotypes of right-wing authoritarianism .
23 News of victory over the French and the Bavarians at Blenheim was announced to Londoners in early August 1704 by the discharging of guns from the Tower , and in the evening there were bonfires and celebrations not just in the City but , according to Evelyn , " everywhere " .
24 The result was announced to cheers from jubilant supporters in the Westland Sports and Social Club as Mr Ashdown hugged his wife Jane , who had carried out much of his local campaigning .
25 Darwin was not specific as to why males should typically compete more strongly for access to breeding partners than females and it was left to biologists of this century to provide the answer ( Fisher , 1930 ; Bateman , 1948 ; Trivers , 1972 ) .
26 After World War I , 50 per cent of the land was mortgaged to moneylenders by owner-tenant farmers .
27 An interim questionnaire was issued to students after 2–3 school visits to gauge initial reactions to the Scheme , with final questionnaires issued to both students and teachers on completion of the Scheme to evaluate the Scheme as a whole .
28 A script was issued to trainees at one licensed dealer .
29 It was sent to directors of social work and others in local authorities in 1989 .
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