Example sentences of "was [verb] [adv prt] for the [noun] " in BNC.

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1 At the time , Belinda had merely thought she was resting up for the party .
2 When his father was tucked up for the night , the son would wander out into the garden and enjoy the cool air as a contrast to the fug of the sick-room .
3 In his final statements in the Venezuelan capital Caracas , his last stop , Bush repeated the central message of the tour , that a " new age " was opening up for the Americas .
4 The cops worked shifts , but I was booked in for the run .
5 Ringo Starr was rolled out for the encores and thrashed about enthusiastically enough .
6 Clearly Helen has looked for ‘ explanations ’ to help her deal with such a painful experience , and the one she seems to have come up with is that she was picked on for the way she looks .
7 It was written in such haste that only the violin part was copied out for the performance ; Mozart played his part from memory .
8 Nowhere was this more apparent than in the complicated pattern of voting that was drawn up for the Council , varying according to the nature and source of the issue under discussion and ranging from simply majorities through qualified majorities to unanimity .
9 Over lunch at the Roof Gardens , an agreement was drawn up for the purchase of Powell 's share in Virgin , giving him one million pounds , the Scala cinema and the video-editing suites .
10 A cheque for £3,017 was handed over for the Great Ormond Street Hospital .
11 He said he was going in for the Spot the Talent competition at the Easter Fete .
12 It was dreamed up for the Monkees and its original conception was supposed to loosely parody the Beatles ' films A Hard Day 's Night and Help .
13 Outside , Baker Street was closed down for the weekend except for the Barracuda Club , which had taken over from the original School Dinners restaurant after it moved across the road to usurp the No. 34 Wine Bar .
14 Afraid she might doze off if she gave in to temptation and lay down on the bed , she sat down instead on the room 's only chair , and picked up a book , absorbing not a single word as she waited for the sounds that would mean he was turning in for the night .
15 At dusk , passing through the countryside , everything was slowing down for the night .
16 He caught up with her on the far side of the teahouse , in an area that was roped off for the staff 's use only .
17 At eighteen , I was called up for the Army and I was three years there .
18 Thinking how quiet she 'd gone when he said he was coming up for the funeral and how she 'd seemed to withdraw into herself .
19 A Central Management Committee was set up for the Government legal service and , as senior Government lawyer , it fell to Ware to be chairman of this and to become head of the parallel Legal Career Service .
20 We kept guard against the security forces and helped in the communal kitchen which was set up for the support committee .
21 A new Quality Performance system was set up for the person rowing the boat to give him more incentive to work harder and become a key performer .
22 A disaster fund was set up for the widows and orphans and they were reasonably well provided for financially , although the sums they received seem very small by today 's standards of compensation and value of money .
23 The Bookish Portfolio , comprising shares in companies in the book business , was set up for The Bookseller in December 1981 , and liquidated last autumn .
24 The residency was set up for the Oxfordshire Area Health Authority by the City Gallery Arts Trust
25 A buffet lunch was laid on for the advisers , a chicken leg , various meat-filled butties , an apple and a large Kit-Kat .
26 When Kent played Surrey in 1890 a fine spread was laid on for the gentlemen but the professionals ‘ were left to shift for themselves , and thought themselves lucky to get a bit of bread and cheese ’ .
27 The High Sheriff of Cornwall , Sir John Trelawney , opened an ornamental gate with a silver key and a free tea was laid on for the children of the surrounding parishes .
28 The Schlosspark at Donaueschingen was laid out for the princes of Fürstenberg in the eighteenth century .
29 Morrison , whose girlfriend was travelling out for the Hong Kong tournament , reckoned that he sustained the injury when he turned quickly during Scotland 's opening tie against Australian Capital Territory in Canberra last week .
30 He was closing in for the kill .
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