Example sentences of "was [verb] [adv prt] as [art] [adj] " in BNC.

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1 However , due to the short notice , Randalstown would have been without four key players on May 15 which was pencilled in as the reserve date .
2 There was a uniformed constable by the bed all the time , but David Evans was hanging about as an unofficial extra .
3 For about the first 12 years of its existence the centre was carried on as an unincorporated organisation .
4 The PKK had denied responsibility for a bomb which caused one death in Istanbul on Jan. 25 , claiming that it was carried out as a provocative act by a " counter-guerrilla " force .
5 The initial study was carried out as the practical project for my MSc course in 1987 .
6 This operation was carried out as the only possible way of dealing with the menace of the drug dealers .
7 You 've got to remember that at the time , deregulation was looked on as an open cash-register .
8 The ‘ victory ’ rally in Sheffield was picked out as a turning point in the party 's fortunes .
9 In the 1980s Britain was coasting along as the fourth-largest west European R&D spender on space — behind France , Germany and Italy .
10 Derek Douane was got up as a Dickensian urchin , with a broken neck and a dirty face .
11 Labour was moving on as a renewed party — ‘ a party that cares as much about consumers as it cares about producers ; a party that wants to make the economy work as much as it wants to change the economy ; a party that embraces as much of the green as it does of the red ’ .
12 Tentatively , 23 August 1990 was marked down as the official day of opening , when Ceauşescu would address a quarter of a million loyal subjects from the balcony on the second floor .
13 The scheme certainly helped me right at the beginning when I was starting up as a criminal lawyer .
14 Greenwich was set up as a new meridian which would suit the astronomers ' convenience , and the government relied on them to make the new meridian into a suitable base-line for calculating the longitude .
15 AA was set up as a monthly hardcopy abstracts journal in 1954 and an online database was introduced in 1986 containing material from 1980 to date , giving easy access to abstracts spanning the discipline of analytical chemistry .
16 Operation Gemini was set up as a high profile battle against criminals .
17 The departure of occupying forces was recommended and a new commission , the UN Commission on Korea ( UNCOK ) , was set up as a permanent body charged with helping to attain unification .
18 Yet it was accordingly — to quote Cole again — that the producers ' co-operative was set up as an industrial , or perhaps more exactly , as a proto-industrial co-operative .
19 On Dec. 1 President Ramaswamy Venkataraman received assurances of " outside " support for a minority National Front government from the Bharatiya Janata Party and the Left Front parties ; the next day V. P. Singh was sworn in as the Prime Minister , in place of Rajiv Gandhi .
20 Bhairon Singh Shekhawat of the BJP was sworn in as the new Chief Minister on March 3 , replacing Harideo Joshi , Congress ( I ) Chief Minister since early December .
21 Virendra Verma , a Janata Dal member of the Rajya Sabha , was sworn in as the new Governor on June 14 .
22 The central government finally relinquished President 's rule on Oct. 17 and Bangarappa was sworn in as the new Chief Minister .
23 Hiteshwar Saikia was sworn in as the new Congress ( I ) Chief Minister on June 30 .
24 Bhajan Lal was sworn in as the new Congress ( I ) Chief Minister on June 23 .
25 Surendra Nath was sworn in as the new governor on Aug. 7 .
26 Oswaldo Fernandez , was sworn in as the new Director of the National Police Force on Oct. 30 , replacing Gonzalo Menendez Franco who had resigned on Oct. 25 following accusations that he had meddled in politics .
27 Congress ( I ) won a majority of seats in state assembly elections held in Haryana in May , and in June Bhajan Lal was sworn in as the new Congress ( I ) Chief Minister [ see p. 38287 ] .
28 Kalyan Singh was sworn in as the new Chief Minister [ see p. 38287 ] .
29 Congress ( I ) won the State Assembly elections held in early June and Hitashwar Saikia was sworn in as the new Chief Minister [ see p. 38287 ] .
30 Lallu Prasad Yadav was sworn in as the new Chief Minister in early March [ see pp. 37245 ; 37315 ] .
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