Example sentences of "was [verb] [to-vb] [conj] the [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 ( Later the bill was amended to provide that the Secretary of State would be prohibited from prescribing periods of time or proportions of school timetables to be allocated to programmes of study : see now ERA 1988 , section 4(3) . )
2 Under a constitutional amendment approved on Nov. 6 , Article 11 ( regarding the succession on the death or incapacitation of the President ) was amended to provide that the Speaker of the National Assembly would succeed to the presidency until the end of the current presidential mandate .
3 We wish to return to the scheme which was operated and was intended to operate until the Home Secretary made his statement on 2 July .
4 The gathering was intended to show that the government , besieged by a rebellion started by the most elite units of its own armed forces , could still rely on ‘ people power ’ for support .
5 Jennie was heard to remark that the will was a cruel one ; by this she meant that not only were family recriminations made public but that when outlining a request for a company to be formed , her husband certainly showed his doubts about her competence .
6 The beautiful lady then blushed , a warm and rosy colour in her white cheeks , and was heard to murmur that the spell was as the spell was , that a kiss received after the successful disintegration of the glass casket , was a promise , as kisses are , whether received voluntarily or involuntarily .
7 In Battalion Headquarters , the Welfare Officer was busy co-ordinating holidays for the children of soldiers Who have been killed by terrorists , when a call was received to say that the grave of a terrorist victim had been vandalised .
8 Reading on in the book of Acts , I was fascinated to see that the experience of Cornelius and his household in Acts 10 was different .
9 Our research was designed to ensure that the field-worker was also around a great deal and was stubborn in exploiting the naturally occurring situations of privacy , where natural conversation is inevitable because it is interactionally difficult to abstain from it , such as in the back of vehicles , in the sanger while on guard duty , relaxing in many of the recreational rooms , or off duty .
10 Pollitt argues that the model of medical audit promulgated by the leaders of the profession was designed to ensure that the process was " a nonthreatening activity carried out only by doctors and rigorously protected from the public gaze " ( Pollitt 1992 : 4 ) .
11 The scope of our work was designed to ensure that the information on deliveries was obtained in accordance with the stated methodology and sampling programme set out on page … and that the results were correctly calculated and presented .
12 The Long constructs contain the Ead gene , in addition to 23 kb of 5' Ea sequence and 4.5 kb of 3' Ea sequence ( Figure 1c ) and was designed to show whether the presence of the upstream regions containing DH groups III-V were of functional importance to position-independent , copy-dependent expression of the Ea transgene .
13 The report , whose conclusions were due to be made public after the expiry of 21 days within which interested parties were required to submit their comments , was expected to confirm that the crash resulted from pilot error involving the inadvertent shutting down of the wrong engine .
14 In the second case , the number of consonants recalled was expected to decrease as the delay increased .
15 The price however , was expected to rise as the quality of product became known , and the vessels " doe continue longer & when they become worne or broken are changed with farr less wast which untill now of late was never knowne nor looked into . "
16 Fluid was said to persist until the ear was reported otoscopically dry or there was persistence of A , C1 , or C2 tympanometric peaks on consecutive visits for a period in excess of 12 months .
17 It was intended , she supposed , to represent the struggle between good and evil over knowledge ; she was heartened to observe that the effect was , in fact , faintly comic .
18 Every attempt was made to ensure that the trial was double blind .
19 English law has tended to confine narrowly the situations in which a mistake is held to negative the consent apparently given by the woman : only where the victim was made to believe that the man was her husband , or that the act to which she was being asked to consent was not sexual intercourse , is the mistake sufficiently fundamental to convert the apparently consensual sex into rape .
20 In this analysis the aspect ratio was shown to increase as the material drew .
21 An approaching Ilyushin passenger-jet was told to overshoot as the tower lined Duncan up on the runway .
22 A similar approach was used to determine that the location of the new Taq I site in patient B was in the cDNA sequence , as digestion of a 518-bp PCR product ( generated with oligonucleotide primers A5i and A3 ; Fig. 5 a ) with Taq I resulted in the appearance of three Taq I fragments of 107bp , 125bp and 286bp , instead of the expected normal pattern of 107bp and 411bp fragments only ( Fig. 5 b ) .
23 As Caparo showed , there had to be a specific relationship between the function that the defendant was requested to perform and the transaction in relation to which the plaintiff said he had relied on proper performance .
24 And lay off were the tunnel was going to go and the road up to the hill and lay off the power station and
25 James Prior said unemployment levels were intolerable and Norman Tebbit said that he was going to prove that the problem was soluble .
26 In Hills v. Ellis , this was interpreted to mean that the act of the defendant must in some way be ‘ aimed at ’ the police , even if there need be no hostility towards them .
27 At one time , the discovery of magnetite in an animal 's tissue was thought to indicate that the animal had a magnetic sense .
28 The family 's solicitor , Peter Anderson , said he was waiting to hear if the MoD would deal with the matter , but added that the family may pursue a civil claim .
29 This allowed it to veer off course quite readily unless the steering or correction stroke was timed to strike when the kayak was perched on top of the wave .
30 Now he was beginning to wonder if the colour had been natural .
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