Example sentences of "was [verb] [prep] she [prep] [adj] " in BNC.

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1 A Mary Queen of Scots coin was given to her by well-wisher Jessie Brown , 40 , of South Carntyne , Glasgow .
2 Robyn turned the ignition over , realising he was gaining on her with remarkable speed , and the jeep roared into life .
3 ‘ He does n't , eh ? ’ said the tramp , who was looking at her with great interest .
4 He was looking at her with faint amusement in his eyes , one eyebrow slightly raised , and she became aware that he was quite used to this reaction from women to his undoubted charisma .
5 He was looking at her with one eyebrow cocked .
6 He was looking at her with such tenderness and love that she thought she would faint from sheer happiness .
7 He was looking at her with frank enjoyment that seemed untainted by any sort of guilt .
8 But Wolff was looking at her with frank and breathless admiration .
9 Ruth was looking at her at last with sharp , bright black eyes .
10 She played with her leather gloves , turning each finger inside-out then carefully back again , aware that he was looking at her in that old , familiar searching way that somehow held her spellbound , draining her will to push the door and get away .
11 FIRST BLOOM DIANA 'S latest outing in the original dress , a favourite which was made for her in 1988 .
12 Rosalba was drawn to her above all the other Marys in the province , far and above the Madonna of the Kneading Board , who had been washed ashore with the face of Our Lady in its grain , and who was her mother 's favourite , and hung in replica above her bed .
13 An awful suspicion was growing in her like some bizarre fungus from a tiny spore .
14 The row is over her attempt to evict Xoliswa Falati , who was accused with her in last year 's sensational kidnap and assault trial , from one of the Mandela homes in Soweto .
15 She wondered why he was speaking to her in such a quiet , gentling tone , then realised how stiffly she was holding herself .
16 My grandmother was taken ill with a burst ulcer and an ambulance was called for her at 10.45 , but it did not arrive for two and a half hours .
17 Opening heavy lids , she found that he was staring at her with burning eyes , yet she was aware that he 'd imposed on himself an icy control .
18 Alyssia sat up quickly and looked at Piers , who was staring at her with that perpetual look of lazy mockery on his face .
19 ‘ You 're the obvious person to do it , ’ Cara , ignoring that her sister was staring at her in total disbelief , went on .
20 What she was feeling now , however , was biting into her with relentless ferocity .
21 he was talking to her like seven years old .
22 An old woman with a hunched-up back and a walking-stick was beckoning to her with one hand a few yards away .
23 An important paper was read for her in 1900 to the Society of Antiquaries of Scotland by her cousin , Gerard Baldwin Brown [ q.v. ] , and thereafter controversial articles in learned journals culminated in 1912 in the publication by John Murray of The Early Norman Castles of the British Isles , which is still considered a seminal work on the subject .
24 Her duties were n't merely confined to waitressing however ; like all the girls at The Haven she did whatever was required of her from changing bed linen to washing dishes .
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