Example sentences of "was [verb] [prep] [pers pn] [prep] [adj] " in BNC.

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1 Nothing was heard of them for fifteen years .
2 The proceedings against Stratford were referred to a committee of two bishops and four earls , including Arundel and Salisbury , and nothing more was heard of them until 1343 , when the king ordered the charges to be annulled .
3 Nothing further was heard from him on that subject but in the meantime Whitbread had made contact with a Bedford surgeon , Samuel Young , who embarked on an extended trial of the remedy over the course of the following three years .
4 A Mary Queen of Scots coin was given to her by well-wisher Jessie Brown , 40 , of South Carntyne , Glasgow .
5 Its name was given to it by Jesuit missionaries in South America who saw the flowers as a representation of the Crucifixion — the corona is the crown of thorns , the anthers the five wounds in the hands , feet and side of Christ , the three styles , the nails , the five petals and five sepals 10 of the disciples , less Peter and Judas , the hand-shaped leaves and tendrils the hands and whips of Christ 's torturers .
6 The slices were perfectly aligned , and then a second layer was placed across them at right angles .
7 My suggestion to Angus , while we were dishwashing after the battle , that maybe his food could have been injected somehow with a substance that even now could be working away to the detriment of everyone 's health was received by him with frosty amusement .
8 Robyn turned the ignition over , realising he was gaining on her with remarkable speed , and the jeep roared into life .
9 Andrew 's mother Janice , 23 , who was walking with them in nearby Haxby , said : ‘ The first thing I heard was Carol scream , then a bang .
10 Andrew 's mother Janice , 23 , who was walking with them in nearby Haxby , said : ‘ The first thing I heard was Carol scream , then a bang .
11 In the same year Giovanni Animuccia ( C. 1500–1571 ) , who succeeded Palestrina as master of the Cappella Giuliana in 1555 and was succeeded by him in 1571 , described his First Book of Masses as composed ‘ seconda la forma del Concilio di Trento ’ , and Vincenzo Ruffo ( c. 1510–1587 ) of Milan Cathedral explained in the dedication of his book of Masses ‘ according to the Milan rite ’ ( 1570 ) that he had composed them on Borromeo 's instructions ‘ ex sancti tridentini Concilii decreto ’ .
12 It was designed for me by that spooky little twosome , the Emmanuels ’
13 He had brought with him reading that was expected of him during this vacation , works on sociology and on linguistics and some where these two studies converged , but these were not the sort of books one much wanted to read under the hot sun and the influence of wine .
14 Bad behaviour was expected of you in those times .
15 I felt he was vying with me for proprietary rights over Jean-Claude .
16 The ownership which the sellers were thus given in the handbags was not , however , reserved to the sellers but was granted to them by those who would otherwise have been the owners , namely the buyers of the leather .
17 But she was looking at me with simple , concerned inquiry .
18 Quigley was looking at me in open horror now .
19 ‘ He does n't , eh ? ’ said the tramp , who was looking at her with great interest .
20 He was looking at her with faint amusement in his eyes , one eyebrow slightly raised , and she became aware that he was quite used to this reaction from women to his undoubted charisma .
21 He was looking at her with one eyebrow cocked .
22 He was looking at her with such tenderness and love that she thought she would faint from sheer happiness .
23 He was looking at her with frank enjoyment that seemed untainted by any sort of guilt .
24 But Wolff was looking at her with frank and breathless admiration .
25 Ruth was looking at her at last with sharp , bright black eyes .
26 She played with her leather gloves , turning each finger inside-out then carefully back again , aware that he was looking at her in that old , familiar searching way that somehow held her spellbound , draining her will to push the door and get away .
27 In a brown-panelled room smelling of tobacco they sat on opposite sides of a cold hearth full of cinders , swallowing hot wine and water under the blue eyes of Sergeant Collier , who was looking at them with intent curiosity like a man staring at a two-headed dog in a freak show .
28 When he had got his balance back , a woman in a dowdy black dress was looking at him with tired amusement .
29 During his second premiership he noticed during a train journey that another occupant of the compartment was looking at him with some puzzlement .
30 He glanced up at her face again , and discovered that she was looking at him with some interest , and it struck him that until now starvation had held her attention to the exclusion of all else .
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