Example sentences of "was [verb] [prep] [noun pl] of [noun] " in BNC.

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1 As the Waaagh roamed freely over the Worlds Edge Mountains it was joined by multitudes of Goblins including the Night Goblin tribes of Red Eye Mountain and many Forest Goblin tribes from the Great Forest .
2 ‘ The sides of the hoary mountains were clad with spectators , and the glassy surface of the lake was variegated with numbers of pleasure barges , which , tricked out in all the gayest colours , and glittering in the rays of a meridian sun , gave a new appearance to the celebrated beauties of this matchless vale . ’ ’
3 ‘ Need ’ was redefined in terms of learning difficulties significantly greater than those of the majority of children .
4 Seconds later he was struggling under yards of silk only 20 feet down the other side of the hill , wrestling beneath the parachute like an actor in a soft porn film .
5 The monument was erected by friends of Camus after his death .
6 Nevertheless , he was reinstated by envoys of Charlemagne and Pope Leo in 809 .
7 Matthew Belsham , of Sale Harriers has been added to England 's Commonwealth Games team , in the pole vault , taking the place of Michael Edwards , who was withdrawn on grounds of misconduct .
8 The resolution was dismissed by aides of Israel 's Prime Minister Itzhak Shamir , who asserted that it was " a pity " that the UN found it necessary repeatedly to condemn Israel when the real Middle East crisis was in the Gulf .
9 In November 1990 the Harms Commission , set up by the government to investigate allegations of political murders , had recommended an investigation of allegations that the CCB was implicated in assassinations of ANC activists .
10 The resultant social unrest was highlighted by episodes of looting of supermarkets .
11 The impression of democratization thus given was , in fact , dispelled by the restrictive nature of the suffrage , which was limited to heads of households and married women .
12 In consultation with GLC staff , attention was given to parts of London where changes over the decade were especially relevant to foreseeable issues of transport and planning policy , such as possible changes in transport or the location of homes and jobs .
13 With time , the intimate relationship described above was to go through periods of stress and change .
14 Stratford , a royal diplomat , had been provided to Winchester in 1323 against the wishes of the king and paid a heavy penalty for it : his temporalities were seized and exploited for a year , and even after they were restored Stratford was placed under recognizances of £10,000 to the king ( £2000 down and the rest conditional upon his good conduct ) , £1000 to the Despensers , and 1000 marks to the chancellor , Robert Baldock , a clerk for whom Edward had intended the bishopric ; moreover , Stratford was summoned to answer in the King 's Bench for his conduct of a royal mission to the papacy .
15 Maids took trays of drinks round , and a great banquet was placed on rows of tables that covered one whole side of the lawn .
16 The young father ushered him round to the back where he was received with screams of delight .
17 This women 's protest was received with expressions of outrage and puzzlement by men within the dominant political culture .
18 But since the data needed to construct such a measure is difficult to elicit and interpret , a more easily verifiable and simpler measure was preferred ; for example a point was assigned for ties of kinship contracted in the neighbourhood .
19 Former LDP Cabinet Minister Toshiyuki Inamura , who served as Director-General of the Environment Agency in 1986-87 , resigned from the party on Dec. 26 , a day before he was indicted on charges of tax evasion .
20 Tom placed a bowl beside his feet , which was filled with scraps of meat and biscuits for Sammy who had already started chewing the end of one of the socks .
21 I idly picked up one of the leaflets which had two pictures on its cover ; the first illustration showed a happy black family , all neatly dressed and reading books around a table that was filled with platefuls of food and with jugs labelled ‘ milk ’ .
22 It was filled with sacks of corn and oats that mingled their scents with hay from the loft above and the lingering fragrance of the last of the stored apples .
23 The older children were to sit in the back half of the hall which was filled with rows of chairs .
24 He and Ford had a cannon on the roof loaded with everything that they had been able to lay their hands on : stones , penknives , pieces of lightning-conductor , chains , nails , the embossed silver cutlery from the dining-room , and even some ivory false teeth , picked up by Ford who had seen them gleaming in the undergrowth ; but the greater part of the improvised canister was filled with fragments of marble chipped from The Spirit of Science Conquers Ignorance and Prejudice .
25 It was developed with grants of $1.2m from the Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency , $400,000 from the US Office of Naval Research .
26 Melvin Bernhardt , who had directed the show in Cincinnati , was sacked after differences of opinion with Dustin .
27 How many times did wee Norrie tell us that the only thing standing in the way of recovery was the uncertainty caused by the election when in truth the economy was wrecked after years of mismanagement , the pound weak because our manufacturing base had been destroyed ?
28 Her extraordinary enthusiasm for her work ( including regular contributions to the Guardian and Observer ) , was registered in guffaws of delight at new discoveries and scoops .
29 All of this seemed to be well understood until early this century , because it was explained in terms of Newton 's theory of gravitation .
30 He turned and looked at Cranston , noting how the fat coroner 's face was dewed with drops of sweat .
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