Example sentences of "was [verb] [conj] [adj] [noun pl] [vb base] " in BNC.

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1 The word chrysalis is Greek for ‘ gold ’ and was given because many chrysalises have gold spots on them to disguise them .
2 We carried a tent since the forecast was mixed but many walkers carry only sleeping bags and mats in summer .
3 The aim of this study was to establish whether HGT-1 cells have additional features in common with gastric parietal cells .
4 ‘ From the earliest articulation of the problem [ of rape ] it was argued that antiquated statutes provide little protection for the victim and hinder effective prosecution .
5 While it was argued that these centres create jobs , can help create a better image for the area and provide shopping facilities locally , many expressed concern that the jobs provided are part-time and low paid and go no way towards creating a sound economic base in the community .
6 This was accepted and such grants have been available since 1979 .
7 He was speaking after new figures show the cost of administering the poll tax in Middlesbrough this year will be £1.6m , or £16 for every adult .
8 As for the farmer 's own income increasing , it was found that larger farmers reap better financial benefits from converting more buildings , compared to smaller farmers who just received a one-off cash injection .
9 However when graduates were examined it was found that mature students do as well as their younger counterparts .
10 It was concluded that mammalian carnivores produce greater degrees of breakage generally than do avian raptors , and there are sufficient differences between them to enable identification of the predator on breakage pattern alone at least to family level .
11 What a beneficial change it would be if instead it was acknowledged that these issues present tragic choices between compelling arguments which are held on both sides in good faith .
12 Until recently , it was assumed that other birds rely on different clues to guide them home .
13 It was discovered that black girls gain 34% more bone density during puberty , compared to only 11% in white girls .
14 This theory was threatened when it was discovered that many substances gain weight after combustion .
15 The aim of this study was to examine whether endogenous eicosanoids play a role in controlling cyclosporin A induced toxicity .
16 In Stoneley v Richardson [ 1973 ] RTR 229 it was held that defective brakes do not have to be proved by an authorised examiner .
17 Day 8 was chosen as previous studies have shown that the number of primed lymphocytes in peripheral bood is maximal six to eight days after administration of the antigen on day 1 .
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