Example sentences of "was [verb] [conj] [adj] [noun pl] [conj] " in BNC.

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1 It was reported that over-ripe tomatoes and some oldish eggs had been tossed at the door of two southern commercial stations , which was a smear tactic we deplored with emphasis .
2 On the day after Aquino 's announcement it was reported that 28 congressmen and 22 governors had broken with the LDP and announced their support for Ramos .
3 This month it was reported that Chinese officials and technicians are equipping an Iranian nuclear facility near the southern Iran-Iraq border in Khuzestan , with uranium-enriching technology .
4 Here it was stressed that many streets and squares will in the future look very different from today , with each being treated individually , selecting an approach from a multitude of possibilities ( Figure 5.4 ) .
5 The whole area out here was paved and small stonecrops and sedums with white and yellow starry flowers grew up between the stones .
6 It was accepted that some specialists and a class of supplementary clerks would be needed , but they did not fit into the overall scheme .
7 Breath methane was measured and viable counts and metabolic activities of methanogenic bacteria and sulphate reducing bacteria determined in faeces .
8 This seems to have been revised twice , and by the third edition it was re-titled as Public Offices and Metropolitan Improvements , with an appendix added , comparing the cost of Hope 's plan with that of the Government 's .
9 The uneasy truce between Quebec police and the Mohawk Indians , established in the aftermath of the 11-week siege in mid-1990 ( in which one policeman was killed and many police and Indians injured ) , was broken on Jan. 8 when 13 officers and at least six Mohawks were injured in renewed fighting .
10 It was suggested that standard-sized boxes or crates be obtained for visitors to use for Herbarium sheets which needed to be moved around .
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