Example sentences of "was [verb] [adv] in [noun sg] to " in BNC.

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1 In particular it is not known whether they have been formed in relation to present sea level , in very much the same way as it is not known whether the wavecut platform round Britain was formed entirely in relation to present sea level .
2 The massive amount of activity by developer builders after the mid-1960s , which continues to this day , can not be described as unplanned , given that it was carried out in relation to land-use planning and the provision of infrastructure .
3 That comment was made specifically in relation to the edge of the urban area of the city , a as I 've .
4 It also reflected a government preference for not pursuing a vigorous anti-monopoly policy or examining whether existing legislation in this sphere was operating successfully in relation to agreed criteria for business , and more general economic , performance .
5 Hirschi 's control theory seems also to fill an important gap that was noted earlier in relation to the original formulation of classical criminology .
6 The Bill was brought forward in response to the outcry from consumers and the industry about the way that , over the years , they have been ripped off by the privatised utilities and the fact that , while the regulators have made a contribution — no one would deny that — they have not done anything like enough and do not have the necessary power or resources to advance consumer interests and issues .
7 Among them was In His Name , which was put together in response to the need expressed by the Conference of the International Missionary Council held at Willengen in Germany in 1952 , for a book which would help missionary-minded Christians pray for the Church and the World in a way integrated in the full range of Christian faith and worship .
8 The Albertusstrasse site of the Kreishaus was determined partly in response to the proximity of two landmarks on the same street : Rudolf Zwirner 's gallery and Walther Koenig 's art bookstore , a de facto municipal library for every aspect of the visual arts .
9 Although the returns accruing to a particular film from the Eady Levy , as it was called , were limited both by the size of the box office in any particular year , and that film 's success in the market-place ( the levy was paid out in proportion to a film 's success ) , the promise it offered did make it easier for independents to raise cash .
10 The other worked as a ‘ runner ’ or delivery man , for a large dealer and was paid out in heroin to the tune of 2 grams a day which he began to consume .
11 It was initiated partly in response to the furore caused by Enoch Powell 's 1969 ‘ rivers of blood ’ speech , much as disturbances at the 1976 Notting Hill Carnival prompted further steps on the part of the Department of the Environment — ‘ A riot makes a much bigger impact on government thinking ’ , as Donnison ( 1987 ) has pointed out , ‘ than any amount of earnest and accurate research ’ .
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