Example sentences of "was [verb] [adv] [prep] [noun sg] to " in BNC.

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1 In particular it is not known whether they have been formed in relation to present sea level , in very much the same way as it is not known whether the wavecut platform round Britain was formed entirely in relation to present sea level .
2 She was flown immediately by helicopter to Hillsborough Castle in County Down where she was carrying out the only engagements of the visit , a lunch party and a garden party for 1,200 people on a day Ulster was swept by torrential rain .
3 As the cylinder rotated , it was carried slowly from right to left under the mouthpiece by a screw mechanism , so consecutive lines of undulations were left in the tinfoil .
4 The massive amount of activity by developer builders after the mid-1960s , which continues to this day , can not be described as unplanned , given that it was carried out in relation to land-use planning and the provision of infrastructure .
5 The goals of the first transition phase , the first series of internal tariff reductions and measures designed to reduce the differences in the external tariffs of the Six , had been achieved without too much hardship or dispute , and the Commission was looking forward with confidence to shortening the planned duration of the second transition phase .
6 She was trembling now from head to foot .
7 I was trembling violently from head to foot .
8 That comment was made specifically in relation to the edge of the urban area of the city , a as I 've .
9 It also reflected a government preference for not pursuing a vigorous anti-monopoly policy or examining whether existing legislation in this sphere was operating successfully in relation to agreed criteria for business , and more general economic , performance .
10 A memorandum was drawn up for presentation to the November 1990 Helsinki ( Conference on Security and Cooperation in Europe ) conference on the environment .
11 Confidence was handed on from patient to patient . ’
12 Money was handed down from father to son ; it lost its merit as a token of worth ; the idle and nasty could be a great deal more rich than the hardworking and good .
13 The parrot was scuttling along from arm to arm across his shoulders .
14 Pandora , the first woman of Greek myth — as described by Hesiod — is made out of earth ; at Zeus 's command she was fashioned out of clay to be the instrument of divine retribution .
15 A little later , at 7 p.m. , the whole scene was lit up from time to time by electrical discharges , and at one time the cloud above the mountain presented ‘ the appearance of an immense pine tree , with the stem and branches formed with volcanic lightning ’ .
16 The second was called up by reference to Archbold , Criminal Pleading Evidence & Practice , 44th ed. ( 1992 ) , vol. 1 , p. 433 , para. 4–45 .
17 Hirschi 's control theory seems also to fill an important gap that was noted earlier in relation to the original formulation of classical criminology .
18 Once , when play had been suspended at Little Aston because of rain , Norman Sutton , that fine striker with the double-handed grip , was recalling a tournament in which the wind was blowing hard from right to left across the eighteenth .
19 In January this year it emerged that the sometime property dealer and owner of the Mountain Tortoise Gallery in Tokyo was running late on payment to Sotheby 's for a Picasso and a de Kooning , both of which he had bought at auctions in New York the previous November .
20 The Bill was brought forward in response to the outcry from consumers and the industry about the way that , over the years , they have been ripped off by the privatised utilities and the fact that , while the regulators have made a contribution — no one would deny that — they have not done anything like enough and do not have the necessary power or resources to advance consumer interests and issues .
21 She was swinging slowly from side to side , like a pendulum .
22 There had been the usual time-consuming , wearying and slightly acrimonious preliminaries to the setting up of the new squad in C1 and already his mind was reaching out with relief to the solitary contemplation of alabaster effigies , sixteenth-century glass and the awesome decorations of Winchfield .
23 He was reaching out from death to hurt me in the same old way , only this time I did n't have to know .
24 Atkins and his colleague had savagely threatened him against telling anyone , but he was influenced more by reluctance to distress the rest of his family as he assumed that they would be as helpless as himself .
25 The look on the devil-man 's face was a foolish , exaggerated astonishment , like the face he wore when Lucifer was cast down from Heaven to Hell against all his expectations .
26 He had been talking about giving up and concentrating his efforts entirely on writing and directing and , like the discovery of another little nugget , was spurred on by reaction to The Trip which , in spite of a critical mauling on the grounds of promoting drug abuse , was still seen as a gifted piece of writing .
27 Her decision , she said , was taken out of loyalty to the organization and not because of the " false allegations " against her .
28 A friend of G. Lytton Strachey and J. Maynard ( later Baron ) Keynes [ qq.v. ] , he was not an ‘ Apostle ’ himself , although his name was put forward for election to the society .
29 Among them was In His Name , which was put together in response to the need expressed by the Conference of the International Missionary Council held at Willengen in Germany in 1952 , for a book which would help missionary-minded Christians pray for the Church and the World in a way integrated in the full range of Christian faith and worship .
30 To check his wandering thoughts he started to ask her to resume her labours elsewhere and finish the surgery when he had completed his own tasks in it — Only to find that she was hopping gently from foot to foot , and was bursting to ask him a question .
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