Example sentences of "was [verb] [adv] [prep] [art] very " in BNC.

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1 But after the second programme Yorkshire Television installed block heaters throughout the house in lieu of a fee , so Low Birk Hatt was heated properly for the very first time .
2 ‘ It was painted throughout in a very unattractive shade of green , ’ she explains , ‘ and someone had plumbed in a WC there — what a bizarre thing to do . ’
3 As he passed again on the other side of the road on his way back forty minutes later he was caught up in the very worst time of day for traffic .
4 It was looked on as a very serious offence .
5 Well I did hear that point , it 's , it 's interesting because in fact Lithuania er President Boris Yeltsin signed an agreement in July , er which effectively Russia recognise Lithuania as an independent state , it was the second country in the world to do that , er all of this was sorted out in a very er , good , er peaceful , sensible way , there , obviously Russia has concerns in Lithuania er not least the district .
6 The Gansleit was built recently in a very attractive Tyrolean style ; it is still owned and managed by the Krall family and has a welcoming atmosphere .
7 This was borne out by the very subjective observation that no used fertiliser bags were noted anywhere in the Auvergne uplands whereas such discarded litter is commonplace in the Welsh uplands ( unless French farmers are innately tidier ! ) .
8 The National ( or Conservative ) majority of 425 seats in October 1931 was reduced only to the very substantial one of 247 in November 1935 .
9 He was endowed too with a very strong male chemistry .
10 It happened when I was forced on to a very low fat diet for health reasons ( I had a gall bladder that grumbled very painfully when I ate fatty food ) .
11 When Vigier de la Rousselle dared to advocate the continuation of appeals to Paris in 1312 , the whole matter was taken up in a very ‘ political ’ way by the authorities in Bordeaux , who accused Vigier of contempt of ducal authority and had him executed on a charge which was , in effect , that of treason .
12 At the other side of the piano James Callaghan , then Prime Minister , was talking animatedly to a very distinguished-looking Admiral , while through it all the Queen and Prince Philip moved easily , chatting to their guests .
13 This power , however , was to be used according to the rules of the American Constitution , not as a means to a dictatorship like that which Hitler was setting up at the very same time in Germany .
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