Example sentences of "was [verb] [pron] [prep] a [adj] " in BNC.

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1 Meanwhile , the Chancellor was bracing himself for a furious political storm when he unveils his autumn package on Thursday , including a mystery ‘ fiscal package ’ ministers are remaining tight-lipped about .
2 It 's decreased traffic it 's decreased the traffic for what was using it as a commercial premises .
3 And you know she treasures it because it was given her by a grateful patient centuries ago .
4 But by far the best gift was given me by a little red-haired girl , Betty , who gave me ( a virgin boy ) her body .
5 I was helping him across a busy six-lane road in north London .
6 Hunt was acquiring something of a bad reputation : both for being accident-prone and for being excessively forthright .
7 Ginny could only suppose that Ralph thought he was protecting her from a possible nuisance .
8 The trouble was , of course , that among Henry 's sort of person , a rugby-playing surveyor , for example , or the kind of dentist like David Sprott who was n't afraid to get up on his hind legs at a social gathering and talk , seriously and at length , about teeth , he was considered something of a subversive .
9 It was a crisp Saturday morning in February , and the young man had picked her up from her flat and was driving them to a motor-racing track in the heart of Surrey .
10 Looking impossibly handsome in his formal wedding clothes , he was surveying her with a fierce intensity that not only made her blush furiously , but caused her pulses to race almost out of control .
11 She never knew how to make it come out sounding as if she was spelling it with a little ‘ m ’ .
12 Tufnell was still there to wheel away , but after his earlier successes , he was enduring something of a lean spell .
13 In those circumstances the only option open to a government , determined to return Rover to the private sector , was to sell it to a British company which was not involved in the car industry .
14 The plan , agreed in 1989 , was to replace it with a purpose-built dental hospital and postgraduate institute .
15 The third case resulted from the willingness and need of the firm to take work from any source while it was establishing itself in a new market .
16 So he resorted to an old favourite , which was to imagine himself as a First World War fighter ace engaged in an aerial duel with an enemy pilot .
17 His aim was to reconvert them to a Unitarian Christianity devoid of superstition .
18 There too a twenty year old who has managed to kick a habit that was leading him down a dangerous path .
19 It 's a very striking book because while on the one hand he admires the Bolsheviks very greatly for the hope that they have given to man , for the feeling that they have given to the world that new potentialities are there to be realized if only we had enough courage , yet on the other hand , even at that point , he was acutely conscious that the Bolsheviks ' attitude towards the equality of power was leading them in a fatal direction , and long before Stalinism began to take shape , he described in advance what he expected to come .
20 One of them was that the nurse , robbed of her pleasure in subduing the hair , turned her savagery more directly on to Harriet and once in a temper broke both of her charge 's thumbs when she was forcing her into a new pair of white kid gloves for Sunday School .
21 Carolyn was ignoring her like a sulky child .
22 Now he was turning her into a stammering schoolgirl !
23 Two young women were in the room ; one was reading a magazine , the other was stuffing herself into a tight corset of black vinyl that appeared to be a part of a stylised nun 's costume .
24 Only it seems they was callin' him by a different name , or names even .
25 Laura gave a low moan as she struggled to sit up , one half of her still almost unconscious mind noticing that Ross must have recently had a shower , since his black hair was still damp and he was wearing nothing but a short white towel about his waist .
26 It would n't be the first time that a man had lovingly supported a woman through crisis only to discover that when she was strong again his own need was to confine her in a dependent role .
27 And then , almost at once , his iron control seemed to snap , and he was kissing her with a frenzied , pent-up , impatient longing that was totally beyond anything she 'd ever experienced before .
28 It was all she was capable of saying for quite some time , for he had captured her lips again and was kissing her with a deeper intensity .
29 She had £8,000 in the Gibraltar fund , a substantial slice of which was providing her with a monthly income .
30 He had no time for the cant of the priests about sin , but he knew , as he lay in the barracks hearing the grunts and panting of his companions , that he was honing himself for a superior form by refusing his body .
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