Example sentences of "was [verb] [pron] [prep] [art] [adj] " in BNC.

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31 In April 1989 a " law on individual rights " was approved which for the first time explicitly recognized the 1948 UN Declaration of Human Rights .
32 One of his compulsive gambits was to challenge everyone at the first meeting .
33 So he resorted to an old favourite , which was to imagine himself as a First World War fighter ace engaged in an aerial duel with an enemy pilot .
34 As a result , England now had its own foothold upon France 's northern coast through which trade and armies might enter ; or , as the emperor-elect , Sigismund , was to express it in the next century , a second eye to match the other , Dover , in guarding the straits .
35 His aim was to reconvert them to a Unitarian Christianity devoid of superstition .
36 The government 's obvious intention was to identify me as the main source of all the criticism and speculation running counter to the official line on Flight 103 and then to destroy me .
37 There too a twenty year old who has managed to kick a habit that was leading him down a dangerous path .
38 As Estella was leading me along the dark passages , she stopped suddenly and put her face close to mine .
39 Agnese was leading them through the front door into a cool tiled hallway , strewn with locally woven rugs and sweet with the delicate scent of freesias .
40 It 's a very striking book because while on the one hand he admires the Bolsheviks very greatly for the hope that they have given to man , for the feeling that they have given to the world that new potentialities are there to be realized if only we had enough courage , yet on the other hand , even at that point , he was acutely conscious that the Bolsheviks ' attitude towards the equality of power was leading them in a fatal direction , and long before Stalinism began to take shape , he described in advance what he expected to come .
41 Eisenhower , who was in the midst of his re-election campaign and was presenting himself to the American electorate as ‘ a man of peace ’ , failed to make clear to his British and French colleagues in the Atlantic Alliance the depth of his reluctance to countenance the use of force over an issue that was only important and not vital to US interests .
42 One of them was that the nurse , robbed of her pleasure in subduing the hair , turned her savagery more directly on to Harriet and once in a temper broke both of her charge 's thumbs when she was forcing her into a new pair of white kid gloves for Sunday School .
43 I have to pay 80p for one piece of Vallis , Cabomba etc at any of the fish centres in this part of the world and £1.50 each if I was to buy them in the little pots .
44 Carolyn was ignoring her like a sulky child .
45 Now he was turning her into a stammering schoolgirl !
46 Two young women were in the room ; one was reading a magazine , the other was stuffing herself into a tight corset of black vinyl that appeared to be a part of a stylised nun 's costume .
47 Only it seems they was callin' him by a different name , or names even .
48 Laura gave a low moan as she struggled to sit up , one half of her still almost unconscious mind noticing that Ross must have recently had a shower , since his black hair was still damp and he was wearing nothing but a short white towel about his waist .
49 Felicity was wearing nothing but the great swirl of hair and the flower in it .
50 Before she could puzzle over his rather cryptic last sentence he continued , ‘ I do n't know whether you noticed , but the doge was wearing it in the second of his portraits . ’
51 I walked in there and I can se he had a he had a er some copies and and er he was getting one in the bloody phone !
52 As the abrasive words poured into her ears , he was moving her against an ornamental lacquerwork cabinet of hip height and bending her backwards , a hand dealing with the intricacies of her bustier with a sure skill that bore witness to a wealth of experience with even the most esoteric of feminine garments .
53 It would n't be the first time that a man had lovingly supported a woman through crisis only to discover that when she was strong again his own need was to confine her in a dependent role .
54 And then , almost at once , his iron control seemed to snap , and he was kissing her with a frenzied , pent-up , impatient longing that was totally beyond anything she 'd ever experienced before .
55 It was all she was capable of saying for quite some time , for he had captured her lips again and was kissing her with a deeper intensity .
56 As he was conducting them across the dozen or so yards , the Archimandrite appeared to touch Miss Fergusson 's elbow by way of courteous but strictly unnecessary guidance .
57 I would n't get the opportunity to find out who else was calling me at the same time .
58 The average thermal efficiency of French steam power stations , which had been well below that in Britain initially , was to overtake it in the later 1950s , as the more advanced French sets were commissioned ; and France caught up with American levels of thermal efficiency , while Britain remained behind .
59 She had £8,000 in the Gibraltar fund , a substantial slice of which was providing her with a monthly income .
60 However , to knock down old buildings was to put himself beyond the pale — not before time perhaps , but hardly for the right reason .
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