Example sentences of "was [verb] [prep] a [adj] [noun] " in BNC.

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1 It was furnished with a certain meanness of equipment that made them feel like poor relations .
2 They had a cavernous basement room which they had painted apricot and white , to cheer it up ; it was furnished with a double divan , two very old arm-chairs with curvaceous rolled arms and head-rests , plum and plushy and dusty , a second-hand stained-oak office desk , where Roland worked , and a newer varnished beech desk , where the typewriter sat .
3 He was furnished with a big drum and plenty of liquid refreshment meant that before long he not so much marched as fell around the city .
4 It was furnished with an ancient iron bedstead and a wooden table so decrepit that it collapsed as I walked past it .
5 Since Dornie was now out of the question , I went on to the Kintail Lodge Hotel , where I was admitted and taken up to a single room which , mercifully , was furnished with an electric fire .
6 Vlasman boxed superbly before a capacity crowd and was well on top when his opponent , G Reid ( Wolverhampton ) was stopped with a cut eye in the third .
7 He had taken only a few steps across the playground when he was stopped by a rough command .
8 He climbed the steps leading to the central lobby and was stopped by a burly policeman who asked the nature of his business .
9 Enjoying every minute of it we traversed right along a wide ledge sparkling with quartz crystals to an impasse , where the way ahead was stopped by a vertical wall suspended over immense space .
10 A short time later , on the other side of Hereford , a motorist was stopped by a white car with a blue light on top .
11 The following morning the convoy was stopped by a one-person LAG picket .
12 That training ( and the service that should have started with the Class 317 units at the beginning of the 1982 timetable ) was stopped by an industrial dispute about bonus payments for driver-only operation .
13 At the same time Article 130 of the Constitution , recognizing the Roman Catholic Church and lifting restraints on the clergy after more than 130 years , was amended after a three-week debate .
14 A dualism of spirit and matter , mind and body , was joined with a powerful determinism or predestinarianism : the Gnostics ( or ‘ people in the know ’ ) are the elect , their souls fragments of the divine , needing liberation from matter and the power of the planets .
15 She was joined for a short time by another dancer back from war service , Alan Carter .
16 By now he was joined by a motley army of British guitarists , including a delighted Dave Davies from the Kinks , a diffident Stuart Adamson from Big Country , the Moody Blues bassist , John Lodge , and Queen 's Brian May , who was determined to startle the Killer with wailing heavy-metal solos .
17 Not far from Cairo the road was joined by a single-track railway line which carries mined iron ore from the oasis and a line of telegraph poles .
18 He was joined by a young Londoner , Jonathan Goodchild , who rapidly moved from being Sharp 's assistant to art director in his own right , leaving Sharp a clear run as perhaps the underground 's most innovative illustrator .
19 Their caravan was joined by a small Nez Perce group resident in the valley , and by a half-blood called Lean Elk or Poker Joe .
20 The doubt was joined by a faint tone of shrewish suspicion .
21 It was this colony of gannets that in 1860 was joined by a black-browed albatross , a lost wanderer from the southern oceans .
22 A preview of the Catechism was leaked to an Italian news agency , ANSA , which quotes the contentious death penalty clause :
23 In 1975 , the Imperial War Museum at Duxford acquired a B–17 that , by 1978 , was repainted as an exact replica of the original Mary Alice .
24 It was intended as a high-performance set which could inherit the reliability associated with previous BR ( SR ) DEMUs , thus beating the older , inherently unreliable diesel-mechanical multiple units hands down .
25 It was intended as a splendid demonstration of the power and solidarity of the Angevin family , the greatest court ever held in Normandy .
26 Dexter meant it as a joke but Blanche stared at him for a moment , as if the comment was intended as a serious criticism , before she chuckled softly .
27 Sotheby 's lecture by Helene Cixous of Paris was intended as a feminist apotheosis but was marred by her shaky reading of Rembrandt 's ‘ Bathsheba ’ in the Louvre .
28 The script that Allen submitted to the BBC was intended as a single play .
29 DESIGNED in July 1945 at Tokyo University by Taichiro Ogawa and Ichiro Tani , the Baika ( Plum Blossom ) was intended as a special attack Aircraft for the Imperial Japanese Navy .
30 The Urban Programme consisted of grants and initiatives under the 1969 Local Government Grants ( Social Need ) Act , which was intended as a flexible instrument to provide supplementary help to local authorities in the fields of housing , education , and health .
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