Example sentences of "was [verb] [prep] [adj] the [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 The French also insisted that , until the treaty was ratified by all the member states , West Germany should remain a state under Allied occupation .
2 Jesus ' great commission was to go into all the world to make disciples .
3 The signing of the Free Trade Treaty of 1860 with Britain was as much an act of faith as of policy , for it created great opposition among French industrialists , but the faith was justified in that the economy , deprived of its protective barriers , continued to grow and expand .
4 let me read those verses again , he says my flock wandered through all the mountains and on every high hill , and my flock was scattered over all the surface of the earth , there was no one to search or seek for them .
5 Well the people that done it did n't get caught but the corridor on which it happened was fined for all the equipment .
6 Indeed , at one time the Malayan Angel argenteus was included in all the genus Psettias .
7 Then she gets in the back bedroom , we got a mirror at the back there what was took off one the dressing tables , and she sits and looks at herself in there and she keeps going like that
8 The authenticity of the film was stressed in all the publicity and much was made of the fact that not only had the trial scenes been shot at the same time as the judge was carrying out the Detroit sentences but the film actually used his own words .
9 then I was looking at all the garden stuff , and and I thought well , start by the , and I thought I 'm doing a Joey !
10 I was looking in all the shop windows , at the reflections .
11 However , Oki 's decision was made to staunch the flow of red ink gushing from the unit , estimated by insiders at around $9m for the year ended last month .
12 Our descent was made in one-fifth the time it had taken us to climb to our record-breaking altitude .
13 Voluntary contributions to the ‘ poor boxes ’ in the parish churches proved less and less adequate to maintain those in need , and from time to time a tax , or rate , was levied on all the property in the parish ; the proceeds were then used by the churchwardens and by ‘ overseers of the poor ’ to support the old , the sick and orphans , to provide work for the able-bodied poor , and accommodation for the homeless .
14 In addition , a hand-out was written for all the nursing , medical and reception staff and another for the patients , setting out the proposed procedure for referral to the ENP .
15 To those for whom gas was out of the question , and candles or lamps were expensive luxuries , firelight was often the single source of light as well as heat , as George Eliot notes in Adam Bede : ‘ It was a pretty scene in the red fire-light : for there were no candles ; why should there be , when the fire was so bright , and was reflected from all the pewter and the polished oak ? ’
16 He established trading connections with the sultan of Kedah , by whom he was offered in 1771 the port and the coast as far as the island of Penang in return for help against the Bugis of Selangor .
17 Within ten years his plan , simple and eminently sensible , was agreed by all the railway companies and — shortly afterwards , and to all intents and purposes — by all the states .
18 Although Fred pretended to be surprised at my earnings I felt sure he knew what was going on all the time .
19 The figures point to large holes in the Immigration Reform and Control Act ( IRCA ) of 1986 , which was introduced to staunch the flow .
20 The 800 bp fragment which was observed in all the cell types analyzed represents mRNA in which AD1 was spliced out .
21 However , when a huge ecstacy laboratory was raided in 1977 the drug was banned and listed as ‘ Class A ’ — which means that the maximum penalty for possession is seven years imprisonment and an unlimited fine .
22 Baby Donald was yelling with all the force of his lungs .
23 The knight had to swerve at the last moment to avoid a head-on collision with his opponent , but at the same time he had to couch his lance to his side as tightly as possible with his hand and under his arm so that the lance blow was struck with all the weight and momentum of his horse behind it , for if in swerving aside he moved his hand or used his arm to thrust at his opponent then a blow delivered in this manner would have no effect whatever .
24 well they were they was rolling in all the muck in the farmyard but they , they went to the pies just put their noses round them and turned them over and then they s and true as god made little apples they started walking round these pies and they left them and they were still there when we went away .
25 A judgment that could never be applied to either the Edgar Broughton Band or The Deviants , two fabulously freaky bands whose message was delivered with all the subtlety of a Molotov cocktail .
26 My guns were inspected and a statement was taken from all the crew and I was released , as I said many times later , " without prejudice " , but darkly adding " subject to re-arrest " .
27 In 1991 Boucher knocked Laing out in nine rounds but was ignored by all the world champions and is still being avoided .
28 Prussia 's pre-eminence was institutionalised in that the King of Prussia was ex-officio the chairman of the Bundesrat , but this was only as titular Head of State , not head of government : in all matters Bismarck was keen to stress the federal , decentralised aspects of the constitution , both to reassure the smaller states that they were not being swallowed up and also to convince Prussia that she was not losing sovereignty to the supranational authority either .
29 The man who spoke was enough like the priest in face and build to indicate their relationship , but , instead of the severe black habit and tonsured head which proclaimed the cleric to be of the Benedictine order , he was dressed in all the splendour of a prosperous baron .
30 I was thinking of all the work I needed to do on Masquerade ; all the painstaking hours of sawing and planing and caulking and rigging .
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