Example sentences of "was [verb] [prep] [pron] on the " in BNC.

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1 Although for Aristotle physics meant the study of motion and change in nature , the main emphasis was placed by him on the states between which change takes place rather than on the actual course of the motion itself .
2 Oh they 've it off the Sunday because it was competing with something on the Sunday , what 's the other side Sunday ?
3 Er it was explained to me on the phone .
4 When Blanche and Dexter arrived he was mumbling to himself on the side of the bed , hands clasped in the lap of his dressing gown .
5 He was wrestling with something on the other side of that landing door , pushing open the door with one foot and shouting : ‘ Come on , then !
6 This was sold to us , please , this was sold to us on the basis that it was going to bring in the baddies and sort out the baddies , and we 'd all live happily ever after .
7 Hurley was waiting for them on the tarmac near the terminal in his big blue BMW 520i .
8 But he was confronted by an ecstatic welcome from his mother , who was waiting for him on the doorstep .
9 So the next morning she went to Rouen station , and when her son , still wearing a fresh crust of pride and sex , got off the train , she was waiting for him on the platform .
10 Beryl Garland was waiting for him on the landing , a lean , bony woman with uncared-for greying hair , a pallid complexion blotched with an unnatural pink , and restless suspicious eyes .
11 The Prince was waiting for him on the terrace of the Hotel Continental , sitting by himself and looking bored .
12 From 21 March 1988 , this future was replaced by one on the Value Line Arithmetic index , which is the arithmetic equivalent of the VLCI .
13 In its aftermath Mrs Thatcher apparently took greater care to consult the Cabinet more fully and was overruled by it on the proposed sale of British Leyland to the US-based General Motors .
14 So here she was sitting beside me on the window-seat , shut in between a heavy curtain and a window .
15 After The Tyger 's Whelp put in at the harbour at Liamuiga , also known as Everhope , the winter after the Battle of Sloop 's Bight , the letter from the King in England to Kit was delivered to him on the verandah of the Great House at Belmont , by the captain , one Rowland Grasscocke , who was plying a regular trade between England , the West Coast of Africa and the Hesperidean chain .
16 Our favourite photo was taken of me on the marble slab .
17 I know Ellen Garwood loved to call him Mr Green , and when she would write me letters thinking that Mr Green was her real son , I got the impression that she was talking to me on the telephone underneath her bed , about the fun she was having .
18 Yes , well , as a matter of fact er , the moderator was talking to me on the telephone
19 So I said ‘ Well , there 's no need to be frightened of him , he would n't touch you ’ , but you see then somebody was talking to me on the phone last night and said the same thing ‘ We do n't come any more to say prayers as we go through the churchyard because we 're frightened ’ .
20 anyw anyway erm I was talking to her on the bus not too long ago and , I do n't know how it came up but she was talking about Egypt , and er she 'd been apparently oh some a year or two back cos she did a , an evening course on Egyptology and she went through that , but she was telling me about a friend or friends of hers who 'd been er and told me about the trip .
21 jumping around while I was talking to her on the phone , I was getting so pissed the phone .
22 If I was talking to you on the street and you had asked me where such-and-such a street was , that was all right .
23 She was talking about you on the phone recently .
24 That view was expressed by everyone on the Opposition Benches and a few Conservative Members , but was ignored as the Government arrogantly used the power of an artificial majority to force the poll tax through .
25 Director Tay Garnett took Beery aside and pointed out that Rooney was loved by everyone on the set as well as at the studio , and it would be ‘ most unfortunate if someone decided to part your hair with a sun arc .
26 I went home and I st I got very very anxious , I started feeling suicidal , I was blubbering at everything on the television , now I could cry but I was crying too much .
27 Luckily I had a friend who had run the photo lab at Time magazine who was working with me on the technical side and we came up with this idea of trying to use Fujichrome 1600 .
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