Example sentences of "was [verb] [verb] [pron] in [art] " in BNC.

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1 I 'd see both these birds in the zoo , so I was fascinated to see them in the wild .
2 ‘ Soliciting … she was known to have men at her house and was seen to stop them in the street .
3 As home secretary , he had psyched himself up to batter the police unions and the chief constables , but on penal policy he was pushed to find anything in the agenda of Tony Blair , his Labour counterpart , to quarrel with .
4 It , too , was nearly dead , but he was persuaded to release it in a bay long enough for it to be filmed with an underwater camera as it swam slowly above the bottom .
5 But now he was going to see her in the flesh .
6 Deeply afraid that this man was going to put me in a cage .
7 She was going to put it in the china vase , only one of the stage hands had left his lighter there for safe keeping , so she stuffed it between two books on the top shelf .
8 I mean look at myself , my father was a doctor , his father was a schoolteacher , so the way one used to look at things , that immediately when I was born put me in the middle class erm bracket .
9 She thought someone was coming to fetch her in a boat to take her away .
10 ‘ I was coming to find you in a minute .
11 And this goblin came along one day and says to this peedie fairy that like he was coming to get her in the morning .
12 The pilot was hired to fly them in a chartered plane . ’
13 Not all found this easy ; in my own case , I was asked to imagine myself in a cave and paint what I saw !
14 A commission of magistrates and theologians from the University of Louvain was appointed to examine him in a long-drawn-out process in which translations of his heretical works were prepared by Philips ; written charges and rebuttals in Latin passed to and fro between the Commission and Tyndale , followed by oral examinations .
15 He grabbed Rohmer by the arm and swung him around so that he was forced to look him in the face .
16 No one else was allowed to overrule her in the boardroom .
17 I was allowed to see her in the visiting room , but if some of the girls knew you were from C1 they 'd call you muppet .
18 Anon she was not placed in the royal vault ; rather the opportunity was taken to put her in the Villiers vault in 1776 when the neighbouring Percy vault was opened for the reception of the remains of the First Duchess of Northumberland .
19 And that 's I was trying to put myself in the position of before .
20 He was trying to put her in the wrong again .
21 I met a scum fan on the bus home from town late on Saturday night who was trying to tell me in a very loud voice that Strachan was now ‘ past it ’ and ‘ knackered ’ .
22 Sooner or later she would have found out for herself , and the interrogation would have been worse still if she 'd thought Rory was trying to keep her in the dark about such a momentous event in her life .
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