Example sentences of "was [pron] [adj] [prep] the [adj] " in BNC.

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1 Tory legal-constitutionalism was nothing new in the early eighteenth century — it is in evidence during the years of the Exclusion Crisis and Tory reaction , and its roots can be traced back to the Clarendonian position at the Restoration .
2 ‘ Excuse me , please , ’ she said politely , but there was nothing polite about the angry , scornful glitter in her grey eyes .
3 But there was nothing quaint about the masculine form that adorned it .
4 There was nothing distinctive about the black London taxi except that it swooped to pick Rain up when she had not hailed it .
5 Perhaps she had ; but there was nothing mad about the composed face I 'd been shown in the portrait and the photograph , only an infinity of patience .
6 The United Mineworkers of Scotland had enrolled about 4,000 Fife miners , but otherwise there was nothing comparable with the Communist-led unions of Germany or France .
7 I find the remark significant for the assumption which is made that there was nothing harmful about the previous view of the relation between men and women ; indeed the previous view may have accorded with the divine will and our present outlook not .
8 There was nothing wrong with the heavy net curtains of Healy 's Hotel .
9 There was nothing wrong with the noble creed they were taught-it was just that it played no part in the actual operation of the military dictatorship .
10 There was nothing elaborate about the small accommodation units , but , as Jean had said , they were cosy .
11 Nor was I ready for the inconsistent treatment of the subject .
12 Cierva was himself dissatisfied with the required forward run of the aircraft , he wanted vertical lift at take-off .
13 Was you involved in the Labour Party for a long time before erm before you were the election agent ?
14 In The Knossos Labyrinth ( Castleden 1989 ) , the evidence is summarized for believing that it was in the Central Court that the bull-leaping ritual took place , a ceremony that was itself central to the Minoan belief-system .
15 Or if she was aware of him , was she aware of the political turmoil the previous cancellation of a Mapplethorpe show has engendered in the U.S. over the last two years , with the director of the Contemporary Arts Center in Cincinnati indicted for obscenity ( but acquitted ) and the very principle of government funding of contemporary art called into question ?
16 In her discussion on the exchange rate mechanism , was she aware of the growing unease of many of the member countries about a fixed exchange rate mechanism covering such a broad spectrum when there is so much uncertainty about German monetary union ?
17 Neither was she aware of the mumbled words that passed her lips as the hours went by , nor of the method he used to warm her when she started to shiver again .
18 There was something stimulating about the warmed air so heavy with the smells of living .
19 There was something odd about the whole procedure because there was no great urgency .
20 There was something cabalistic about the bandy legs of a road sweeper , who stood with his back to me leaning on his outstretched broom as on a catamaran while he lit his pipe … .
21 There was something fishy about the whole set-up .
22 There was something familiar about the feminine umbrella with its orange roses and Spanish flamenco frill that was shaken firmly before the green headsquared figure bent to enter .
23 There was something familiar about the checked suit , lit up by the flashing blue light .
24 Cos , there was something wrong with the receiving part of the dish .
25 There was something nightmarish about the slow approach of the lorry .
26 In fact I am convinced he was part Alsatian because though he had a luxuriant black and white coat there was something significant in the massive limbs and in the noble brown-shaded head with its upstanding ears .
27 There was something suicidal about the whole pretentious enterprise , which Dustin should have been talked down from before he leaped .
28 There was something reptilian about the old man 's grip .
29 It sighed and groaned and creaked so that sometimes it was easy to believe ghostly footsteps were padding about ; but this noise was something different from the usual spasmodic little creaks — it seemed regular and deliberate .
30 When I took it over from Matt I realised that a wilderness was something different from the average person 's orderly life .
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