Example sentences of "was [prep] [det] [noun] to [noun] " in BNC.

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1 It was of little concern to Dan that much of the weathering may have been caused by industrial pollution — what mattered was that science had found an answer .
2 Protection was of little use to farmers in a period of declining world prices for agricultural products , while the machinery and other industrial goods they bought would be dearer .
3 Moral virtue was of little interest to Gnostics , whose confidence in their own salvation made all that seem a matter of indifference .
4 However , Cavendish was of more assistance to L : Lord Parker C.J. emphasised ( at p.378 ) that more must be proved for actual or constructive possession than that the goods were found at the premises , it had to be shown that goods had come to the premises by arrangement and that a servant or agent had instructions to take the goods .
5 The pitch at Devonport was of more interest to bowlers than batsmen , and only a steady 76 from Broad , with some support from Lamb , gave England a reasonable total of 177 .
6 Whilst this was of some concern to Anne , who relied greatly on Joan , it was of no concern to Joan herself : enthralled by everything she saw , by fairytale glimpses of the capital , the palace and the royal family , she viewed everything and everyone with avid interest .
7 It also seemed that the perceived adequacy of close relationships was of most importance to women , while for men it was the perceived adequacy of more diffuse relationships that was crucial .
8 She was rarely at school , kept away constantly by a variety of excuses dreamed up by her father and brothers who all decided that an education was of less use to Ellie than a clean and tidy home was to them .
9 Its air of peacefulness was in such contrast to Broadway , and to the harbour and waterfront on the day they had landed .
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