Example sentences of "was [adj] take [art] [adj] [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 It was pleasant to take a hot drink up to her room and have it beside her as she sat in her silent room reading in the empty house in the afternoons .
2 It included my successor , John Moore , who early in his term of office made a speech which was interpreted as meaning that he was prepared to take a different stance towards the health service .
3 The real problem of inter-war British politics was that no major political party , except a small section of a much diminished and effete Liberal Party , was willing to take the political risk of expanding the economy out of the slump by the use of government intervention to stimulate and regulate the economy .
4 Qian announced that China was willing to take an active part in rebuilding Cambodia , and provide necessary assistance to aid projects after the elections and the formation of a new government .
5 When I met the Association of British Insurers about six months ago , it was reluctant to take a collective view , but when I met it about two months ago , its views had changed considerably , because the claims paid by insurers rose by 46 per cent .
6 ‘ The sheriff was reluctant to take the final step of formally attributing assault to a caring father who had a moment of aberration when he was driven to distraction by a situation with which he was unable to cope .
7 CAMBRIDGE caretaker manager Gary Johnson was unable to take a full part in his side 's celebrations last night .
8 Whilst coping with immediate problems , it was important to take the long-term view .
9 At one point I was able to take an unusual initiative .
10 Then she was able to take the mental step that brought her out into the light again .
11 Lennox has always truly wanted to fight for the world title and was happy taking the tough route .
12 In summary , it was concluded from the initial examination of the FAOR proposals that the development of a global user requirement for the introduction of either computerised indexing and storage systems was not appropriate , or possible , at that time , and it was necessary to take an evolutionary bottom-up approach that recognised not only the limitations and costs of the current market in software and equipment , but also the particular needs of individual functions .
13 Her mother handed her a glass of white wine , so generously filled that Kate was obliged to take a long sip before it was safe to put it down on the small table by the side of the chair .
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