Example sentences of "for [art] few [noun] [to-vb] [art] " in BNC.

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1 We were billeted in the Grand Hotel , the massive Victorian pile which dominated Scarborough in turreted splendour from its eminence above the sea , and the big dining room was packed with several hundred shouting airmen , The iron discipline was relaxed for a few hours to let the Yuletide spirit run free .
2 Leave the instrument in a greenhouse containing well-watered plants on a sunny day for a few hours to get an idea of maximum deflection .
3 In July 1980 , AMES staged its first public demonstration , when the El Calvario church was occupied for a few hours to demand a reduction in the price of basic food stuffs .
4 I suppose it came into my room for a few minutes to see a book I 'd been telling him about , then he left and I hit the sack .
5 To the Frenchmen behind , they must look like a couple of young lovers — youngish , anyway — who had stepped outside for a few minutes to admire the sights .
6 If the ingredients are still hot just place under a hot grill for a few minutes to brown the top .
7 Dr McNab had Come to the door of his ward for a few moments to watch the heating of the bath-water ; then with a sigh and a shake of his head he had retired inside again .
8 There is also the safety aspect : if you have bad lighting or dangerously worn carpet on part of the staircase , waiting for a few years to tackle the problem because it is all part of the grand plan could prove very false economy indeed .
9 He left for a few years to manage a national school , independent of the British system , but returned to read law .
10 A British experiment in the first years of the twentieth century with commercial secretaries , diplomats detailed for a few years to make a special study of the trade of the area in which they were stationed , had little effect .
11 If so , store in a warm ( airing ) cupboard for a few days to allow the new neck position to settle .
12 The first Leopold heard of it was when his son coolly informed him that he was accompanying Aloysia and her father for a few days to visit the Princess of Orange at Kircheim-Bolanden , where Aloysia was to sing several arias that Wolfgang had written for her .
13 The second is a slick operator , who studies his victim 's habits for a few days to establish a safe crime time .
14 If the nose is dropping in spite of pulling back and hitting the back stop , this is a clear indication that the glider is stalled , and a forward movement is needed for a few seconds to let the wing unstall .
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