Example sentences of "for [adv] [art] [adj] time [adv] " in BNC.

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1 Frankly , I 'd respond more if a chap came up to me and said , ‘ Look here , we 've been doing this for rather a long time now and we find that this way seems to bring the best results . ’ ’
2 I might have saved myself the trouble , as the family remained together for only a short time afterwards ; my sisters married , leaving only my mother and myself at home …
3 Erm now , something that puzzled me for quite a long time when I started out doing philosophy of language er one or two years ago erm frequently you hear claims or we hear claims to the effect that this is a logical form of this sentence or this is the structure of this sentence , or this is the semantic structure of this sentence and I was never quite sure what that actually meant erm it 's partly because apart from Davidson , erm a lot of people who write on these issues do n't actually tell you what the background theory is and exactly what the point of the assignment of structured sentences is supposed to be , erm however after thinking about it for a while , I 've arrived at the following following general view there are at least three rather different enterprises er which might lead you to assign sentence structure and er one needs to figure out the relations between them .
4 Right , now if we look on , erm we come to Regional Action Networks , another reason why Amnesty seems not to allocate more than one prisoner and all now is that they have expanded the ways in which we deal with prisoners and the world is more or less been divided up into areas , erm , of smaller regions and groups are asked to choose one or two regions to deal with particularly and we , we have for quite a long time now erm been concerned with Southern Africa and Central America and we get information through on prisoners and what 's happening in those two regions , so John do you have anything else on Africa at all ?
5 And it brought home to me with a rush something which had been slowly dawning on me ever since I joined the Air Force ; that I had been spoiled for quite a long time now .
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